"I am so fucking ready to have my own body back," Dean groaned. "I fuckin' miss my dick, man."

"Is that the only thing you miss about being a guy," Sam asked, a smirk starting to creep onto his lips as he shook his head incredulously.

"No, "Dean retorted crossing his arms in defense. "I miss everything about being a guy, like my short hair, and my height and –Stop laughing you fucking ass."

Sam's head was thrown back, lips curved up in amusement as laughter bubbled from his lips. "You're such a dumbass Dean," he snickers.

"You're a dumbass... dumbass..." Dean retorted lamely. He knew his comeback fell flat so he puffed his lower lip out in a slight pout, huffing loudly just so Sam knew how irritating he was. Despite himself, Dean was glad to see a smile on Sam's face. Smiles and laughter had become a rarity in recent weeks, and it was nice to see Sam smiling again –even if it was at his expense.

Sam snorted and rolled his eyes in amusement, the smile on his lips becoming more playful. "Ah Dean, aren't you just the master of witty comebacks."

"Wasn't asking you, bitch," Dean retorted, narrowing his eyes slightly and pursing his lips.

"You didn't have to, jerk," Sam shot back. "My commentary is free."

"Yeah, whatever," Dean hummed through pursed lips. "The point is I'm ready to be back in my own skin."

"Don't worry, Dean," Castiel murmured, standing up now and pulling Dean into a comforting hug. Dean lay his head against Castiel's shoulder and closed his eyes, relishing the touch and thankful that Castiel was there for him.

When Castiel pulled away from the hug, Dean looked towards Sam and asked, "Have you guys thought about what we're going to do with the girls after they... y'know, fix me up?" Dean watched as dark cloud settled over Sam's face as he spoke. "We're not going to let them live... right?"

Sam opened his mouth but shut it again very quickly. His diverted his attention down to his hands which were clasped together and resting atop the hard, wooden surface of the table. Sam's long, dark hair fell to curtain around his face.

Dean kept his eyes trained on Sam as he hid behind his overlong hair. He could tell without even seeing Sam's face that he was wearing his dark, brooding look that made him look like a sullen, angsty teenager.

"No, we're not. We cannot let the girls live," Castiel said, his voice flat and assured.

"I'd feel bad for killing them after all this," Sam mumbled, moving his hands off the table to rub awkwardly against the sides of his jeans. "I mean, they're young, stupid college kids and we kind of took them away from their school and their families."

Dean shook his head in disbelief; Sam always had to be the softie of the bunch. "They've killed people, Sammy," Dean rationalized. "A bunch of girls on that campus are dead because of those witches. Remember, the hunter's kid, Amy, her girlfriend was one of the victims. These so-called 'innocent' teenagers have taken human lives."

"I know, I know," Sam said with a nod. "It's just hard 'cause they are still young."

"Evil doesn't have a minimum age requirement, Sammy. You need to stop thinking of them as humans and start seeing them for the monsters they actually are," Dean said with a click of his tongue. "These girls are already past saving. They were willing to kill their classmates just to gain entry into a coven of witches," Dean rationalized. "I may not have been college boy like you, but I'm pretty damn sure that murder is a bit extreme, even for a sorority hazing."

Sam let out a small puff of air, his brow furrowing and the lines on his face deepening in frustration. "They could be useful to us. These girls might know more about Nephilims," Sam said. He was trying to justify his argument, glancing up at Dean as he spoke. "Remember how they reacted when they found out about her. Those girls were terrified, so what if they have more information that could help us?"

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