Chapter 23: Enchantment

Start from the beginning

"Stop distracting me," she says sternly but her voice is soft and I smile against the skin of her neck. I place the softest kiss I could muster on the crook of her neck and feel her lean against mean. "Legolas," she warns but she does not push me away or does anything to make me stop. I make a trail of kisses towards the hollow behind her ear. "Not distracting enough," I mutter and she lets me win. She turns abruptly, a small pout on her lips.

"You are really bad at following rules," she mumbles and I laugh softly as her lips meet mine. I hold her closer still and the sound of the book hitting the floor echoes in our ears. When I pull away, we were both panting for air and I place a hard kiss on her forehead. A soft promise to do everything I can, for her.

"At least some of us are enjoying themselves," a voice calls from the doorway. Turwaithiel creates a space between us as her eyes land on the person behind me. I turn around to find Lindethiel. She leaned against the door frame, one of her legs wrapped in thick bandages. She has a mischievous grin on her face and a cup of steaming liquid in her hands.

"Should you not be in bed?" Turwaithiel asks casually as she bent over to retrieve the book from the floor. Lindethiel grins wider and shrugs. "It was beginning to bore me," she replied with the same casual tone. Me and Turwaithiel look at her for a moment before she chuckles lightly.

"Relax," she says. "I won't tell anyone. Besides, I am all up for it actually. You and Turwaithiel? Totally up for it." She says, raising her eyebrows up and down. "Need to eliminate someone that stands in your way? You do not even have to ask. Just say a name." She winks and I knew exactly who she meant. She had been complaining about the elleth Arlayna since the day she was conscious again. She took a sip from her cup, tilting her head to the side as if examining the both of us.

"Have you visited Mantheniel?" Turwaithiel asked like Lindethiel had not just offered to murder someone for us. She gives a soft nod although her features visibly darken.

"Her night terrors are getting worse," she states quietly and the heaviness of the room seemed to thicken. "You have sent for Lord Elrond, right?" She asked me and I give her a soft nod. I sent the message three days ago. It should arrive at Imladris by nightfall of this day. Lindethiel sighs heavily, her eyes darting at the stacks of papers by the table.

"Nothing?" She asks, this time at Turwaithiel who shakes her head sadly. "Gods," she muttered. "I would kill him if she did not love him so much." I knew who she meant by 'him' and the idea did not bother me as much as it should have. My father. I frown, remembering how he reacted. Mantheniel had been busy preparing for the yule feast when she suddenly collapsed, feeling a pang of pain shooting right through her. All he did was ask servants to take her back to her room. He had not even gone to visit her. By the valar, I would strangle him with my bare hands if I could. Hopefully, Lord Elrond would come as fast as possible. We hear a commotion outside which seemed to signal Lindethiels departure. She smiles wickedly before heading to the other door that would bring her to the halls where Mantheniel's room should be. Within moments, Falasdir comes in the room.

"Has Lindethiel been in here?" He asked, a strain of worry in his voice. Me and Turwaithiel nod and he sighs, shaking his head lightly. He does not ask anything else but shakes his head and walks away.

"That was odd," I state and hear Turwaithiel sigh and chuckle behind me. I turn to her, "what?"

"Are all males this dense?" She asked, a hint of a smile on her lips, enticing me to kiss her again. I raise my eyebrow in challenge. "What do you mean?" I ask and she rolls her eyes. "He obviously cares about her." She stated simply and I thought about it for a moment.

"Well, are all females this confusing?" I countered. "Making us think of something when they want us to think of another thing and-" she silences me with a finger on my lips.

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