The Hunger Games: Reaching the end

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Timothy’s POV

       The train creaks, as it finally rolls to a complete stop, and I’m blessed with the gift of solid, unmoving ground. I feel through the darkness, until I find his hand. Seth is the only thing that has kept me from falling apart since we got on the damn train. The car next to us opens, and I hear something that puts me on automatic high alert. A gunshot. The screams follow, and my body tenses. What is going on?

       Seth pulls me down, and we crawl to the back corner of the box car. He then pulls something off the floor, and dim light assaults my unadjusted eyes. He hastily pushes me through it, and follows swiftly behind me. I watch silently, as he replaces the panel into the floor. He places a finger over his mouth, and signals for me to head for the tree line. I reluctantly follow, but I want to go search the cars for some trace of Michael. I got Taylor killed, and now Michael is missing.

       He rushes me up the small embankment, and dart behind the first layer of trees. From here, we can see the scene before us with full access. There is a column of soldiers standing at ease beside the train, and their commander is pointing a gun into the cart next to where we were sitting. I watch, as he gives some signal, and then chaos ensues. The soldiers pull out semi-automatics and bum rush the train. I choke a sob out, and watch, as they kill all those people.

       Anger fills me, as Seth tries to pull me away, but he doesn’t succeed soon enough. Before I let him pull me away from the hellish scene before me, I see the train light fire. Tears pour from my eyes, as he tows me deeper into the forest. He pulls out a compass, and presses a few buttons, before turning us n another direction. I follow him silently because I’m sickened by what I just saw. We need to bring this corrupt mess of a government to it’s knees, and execute it now.

       Michael could’ve been on that train, and now we’ll never know. I shut my mind off, and mindlessly follow Seth deeper into the wilderness. It feels peaceful to be in the forest, the real forest. Not the arena. Being with Seth in nature feels right, for some reason. I smile slightly, and speed my stride slightly, to match his. We’re on our way to cripple this damn government. The thought brings some sort of victorious feeling inside of me. I once again slide my hand into Seth’s as we keep walking.

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