Chapter 20

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It's been a week since I last saw Michael. Maybe it was luck or maybe he disappeared, I don't know. All I know, is that school starts again soon. We'll all be juniors this year, and we're so close to graduation I can feel it. Michael hasn't texted or called me, and I haven't made any attempt to contact him. I was finally starting to get over whatever I was feeling for him, and things felt like they were getting back to normal. Brandy, Luke, Ashton and I were hanging out a lot more, surprisingly with Ashley there too. I guess things were going really well with Ashley and Ashton. Even though they included me in a bunch of stuff, you can never shake the fifth wheel feeling. I just got home from Ashley's house, she threw a tiny party so we could get to know her new friend, Dakota. She was alright, she kept to herself. It was currently 1:00 am, and I decided to get in bed and try to sleep. I had just curled up, closing my eyes when my phone started vibrating. I was getting a call from No Caller ID, and I answered it.

"Hello?" I said, with no answer. "Um, if it's alright with you, I'd like to sleep, so peace." I said, hanging up. They didn't call back, but it spooked me a bit. I had trouble sleeping, and decided to see if Addy was awake. It was pointless, she was sleeping soundly. Then again she was only 5 years old, and my parents were asleep. I laid back down on my bed, kicking my legs and groaning. I was so bored, and there wasn't anything to do. Without thinking, I put my shoes on and slipped out my window. I landed on the grill, and jumped to the ground, running. I didn't know where I was running to, but I just kept running. Somehow I ended up on the beach. I slowed to a walk, hugging myself because I got cold. I looked around, I was the only one here, so I snuck under the pier where Ashton and I go sometimes. I sat, looking at the water. I sighed to myself, leaning against one of the columns, stretching my legs out and dipping my toes in the salty water.

"Fuck." I heard someone whisper. I stood up, hitting my head on the pier above me.

"Shit, um, who's there?" I said, rubbing my head. I walked out from under the pier, looking up at the person standing there. I couldn't tell who it was, he had sunglasses on, a hat, and a sweatshirt.

"Um, didn't know there was someone there, I'll go." He said fast, but I knew who it was. I tripped him before he left, and he fell to the ground. His hood and his sunglasses came off, and there laid Michael.

"The fuck you doing here Michael? And, it's 1:15 in the morning, why are you wearing sunglasses?" I said, staring at him.

"I come here to think sometimes, so what? Why, why are you here?" He said, getting up.

"I always come here when I can't sleep. But, why don't you stay, I should head back now anyway." I started walking, and I got to the street before he stopped me. I was on the sidewalk, he was in the middle of the crosswalk.

"Kylie, please. Please stop. Stop running, stop walking and listen to me. I won't lie, I won't make excuses, just let me talk." He said, pleading. I looked at him, and started to leave, but my legs wouldn't move. "When you left the party, something about me wasn't the same. I snapped, I hit an innocent kid who had no reason for me to. Normally, I'd laugh, but this time I was angry, at myself and at Sarah, at everything. I hit him, I hit the wall, I hit the statue, Calum had to hold me back and we left. Then, I saw you again. At the beach, you looked so happy. You, you looked so determined to stand up on that surfboard." I stood there, looking at him. His voice was cracking, he looked broken.

"You were with girls, you seemed fine." I said in a low voice.

"That wasn't me that was Calum, he said I needed to bounce back. They were filling a void I had, but it didn't work. I stayed in my room for an entire week, playing video games and ignoring the world outside. I realized something, during these few days and during this week. I don't know how to say it, Kylie. I just-"

"Michael, please stop. Don't hurt me anymore than you have." I said, walking backwards.

"I never wanted to hurt you, I am an asshole. I am a prick. I'm a jerk, I'm every insult in the book. I'm sorry, Kylie. I'm so fucking sorry." It started raining, and I stood there, as he walked closer to me. A mixture of tears and rain washed down my face.

"You said you wouldn't let me go, I thought I could trust you Michael." I said, staring at him. Despite it was dark, I could see his eyes, and to my dismay he was crying too. He grabbed my arms, not letting me go.

"One more, Kylie. Please, one more." He said, his voice cracking more.

"No more Michael." I said, covering my mouth and turning away, leaving.

"I will not stop fighting Kylie. I won't." He said after me, and when I turned around, he was gone. I started crying again, sinking down the wall.

"I don't know what to do." I thought to myself. "I don't know what to do."




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