Chapter 11

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Tap. Tap. Tap tap tap. Tap. I shook awake at the sound of something hitting my window.

What the fuck? I thought as I got up. I must've fallen asleep while on my laptop, because Green Day was still playing on my iTunes. I got up and turned my desk lamp on and walked to my window. I opened it and took the screen out, when a small rock hit my forehead.

"Who the hell is-" I started, when I looked down and say Michael standing there. I checked my phone, and it was midnight.

"Sorry, didn't mean to hit you, I thought you were still asleep." He shrugged. I smiled.

"What are you doing here, Clifford?" I asked sleepily, resting my head on my arms on my windowsill. He shrugged again.

"I couldn't sleep, so I decided to come get you." I pretended to be amused.

"Come get me? Where are we going at midnight?" I asked.

"Just come on, come with me." I groaned and got up from the window, going to get dressed when Michael said, "You can stay in your pajamas if you want, I could care less and I doubt people will be where we're going." I ignored him, but just changed in other pajamas. A loose tank top and my leggings. I got my phone and crawled out the window, stepping on the small slab of roof underneath. I bent down and hung from the gutter, and planned to land on the grill like usual when I felt Michael grab my hips and pull me down.

"What were you doing? You could've gotten hurt." He said sternly.

"Oh relax, I've done this before. Let me down. Where are we going?" He put me down and and smiled at me. He didn't answer, just took my arm and led me to his motorcycle and started it.

"Get on and hold tight." He said, and got on the motorcycle. I've never ridden one before, so when I got on I kept hoping I wasn't crushing him with my arms. "Just close your eyes, we'll be there shortly." He said.


I opened my eyes, expecting this huge thing but what I saw was only the beach.

"You kidnapped me to go to the beach?" I said sarcastically. He laughed, and walked over to the sand with myself following. He sat down with his legs spread out, and I sat criss-crossed next to him, looking at the peaceful waves and the stars in the sky. I was still pretty sleepy, and it was always colder near the water so I couldn't help but shiver a little.

"Here, take this. It's fine I don't need it." He said, taking off his hoodie and handing it to me.

"No no, I don't- are you sure?" I asked. He nodded and put it on me, smiling as he did so.

"It's huge on you, Ky." He said amused. I closed my eyes and nodded, taking in his scent as I thought,

God, he smells amazing. It was like an actual cologne and not that stupid Axe Body Spray crap. I felt him wrap an arm around my waist and pulled me to him, my head resting on his chest as I laid out next to him.

"What are you doing, cuddling me?" I asked jokingly, when I just heard him sigh and go mmhm. I felt my heartbeat pick up and prayed he didn't feel it as well. I opened my eyes and watched the waves.

"I still don't understand you, Clifford. I mean, some would call this romantic, I would've never pegged you as the romantic type." He let out a soft chuckle.

"I just can't get over how cute you look in my hoodie right now." I smiled and reached up, slightly slapping him. "Hey, don't slap me again." He whispered. We both sighed simultaneously. I felt Michael grab my hand than was resting on my stomach, and his thumb moved back and forth across the back of my hand. I didn't pull away, but I still was confused.

"Michael, you know we're not dating, right?" I asked. I felt him ever so slightly nod.

"Yeah, I know." He whispered again, sounding disappointed. We laid there tangled within each other on the sand for what seemed like forever. "Would you ever consider it?" He asked, sounded hopeful. This shocked me a little, I wasn't expecting that question.

"Um, well to be honest I kind of have before." I swear I could hear him smile. After a bit of talking and joking and laughing, he got up and picked me up, holding me bridal style.

"Do you want to go back home?" He asked, looking at me. I shook my head and softly said no, but I was already falling back asleep.

"No, stand me up I need to wake up." I said. He softly laughed again.

"But you're so small, I like carrying you. But, as you wish." He said, and pretended to drop me before he let me go. "I think it's time for you to go back home, Ky. You're pretty sleepy. Come on, get on my back, I'll carry you back to the motorcycle." I did as he said and we went back, and together we rode off back to my house. Once we got there I was still in position of a piggyback, and he laughed once we got to my backyard and set me down on my grill. I was sitting and his hands were still on my waist, and we were just looking at each other. I got nervous, so I started stammering.

"Well, um tonight was fun, maybe we could do this again?" I asked, and he nodded, still just looking at me. "Um, thanks again for the hoodie, I was actually cold and-"

"Ky?" He said softly.


"Stop talking." He whispered, and with that his lips crashed onto mine. Time stopped. I took it all in, his soft lips, how close we were, my whole body was tingling. I wrapped my arms over his shoulders and just kissed him back, as if I was waiting for this as much as he was. Before it got too intense he pulled away slowly, resting his forehead on mine.

"Wow," was all he said after quietly. He stood back a little, looking at me with a huge goofy grin as my cheeks began to warm up. "I finally kissed Kylie Matthews." He said quietly again. I giggled and pushed him.

"You dork, you insanely kissable dork." I laughed. I looked at my phone and it was 4 am. "Shit I need to sleep, Addy is an early riser sometimes so I have to go." I turned and stood up, going to grab the gutter. I felt him grab my hand, and I looked back and he kept smiling that smile.

"One more?" He asked like a little kid. I bent down and kissed him softly again, feeling the same amount of happiness I did the first time. I stood back up and pulled myself onto the slab of roof, climbing into my room. I turned back and looked at him. He was smirking at me, and I just looked at him.

"One last one?" He said as he climbed up onto the roof, stopping in front of my window. I rolled my eyes, smiling, and kissed him again. It felt so good to finally kiss him, and this time he wouldn't let me go. I pulled away and he looked at me searchingly, and then kissed my forehead. "See you tomorrow?" He asked.

"See you tomorrow." And with that I got up and closed my window, watching him leave. I laid on my bed, hugging myself in his hoodie, and I fell asleep with what was possibly the biggest smile ever.

Just a Chance - A Michael Clifford FanficWhere stories live. Discover now