"My driver can take us," Demi hissed, removing her arm from his grasp as he tossed an eye roll at her. He always forgot that there was just some things about her that irritated the shit out of him, but the things that he really liked about her usually overpowered them all.

"We're taking a cab like normal people. Didn't you say that? That underneath all of your success and your fancy clothes and your shiny hair you're still just a normal person?" Wilmer retorted as a cab finally pulled up next to them and they quickly hopped in. Demi didn't say anything else after that because she actually did say that. But some normal people had drivers, right?

Demi said something to the driver, in a language that he most certainly did not recognize, before they were pulling away from the grand hotel and venturing into the city. The sun hadn't set yet but the sky was ablaze with oranges and pinks and he could tell it was about to.

"Are you excited for Nick to come into town?" Wilmer asked, just to make conversation and try to understand why the hell she thought she was too good for him. In what world was Nicholas Jerry Jonas too good for Demetria Devonne Lovato? Especially with the way he treated her. How could she even think that?

"I don't wanna talk about Nick or anything else..." Demi suddenly said after a few beats of silence. "Let's just enjoy this time we have where we're not working or worried about our kids or anything else, okay?" Demi looked over at him with that smile that made his heart beat just a little bit faster and his cheeks heat up in a way that they never had before and he found himself nodding along to her request. Because in that smelly old yellow cab riding through Milan with the sun about to set, he found himself not wanting to talk about any of those things either.

Finally, after what seemed like the longest car ride ever, they pulled up to something that looked a lot like a palace, but unlike the other typical tourist sites, it wasn't overcrowded with people. There were only a few people milling about here and there and the sun was nearly setting. It was beautiful from what he could see, filled with fountains and dark green trees and grass, and old cathedral style structure. It was a site to see and it was totally worth the drive.

"Come on, we have to get there before the sun set!" Demi paid the cab driver before scooting out of the car and yanking Wilmer out with her. He caught the sparkle in her honey brown eyes and the excited smile playing on her lips so he picked up his pace and began to run after her. He had never seen her so free before, uncaring of what those around her thought about her, running in heels with a wide smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye that she only got when she was with her kids.

They didn't actually go into the palace. Instead they ran around it and to the back where there was a large garden with even more fountains and dark green trees. But they still didn't stop running until they reached the very back of the property where there was a river that broke it in half with a beautiful marble bridge over it. And that's where they went. Demi finally stopped where they were in the middle of the bridge, watching the sun set over the water and trees and watching the color bounce off the water that was shooting into sky from the fountains. It was beautiful. It was worth the run and the drive and everything else. He knew he couldn't get a view like this anywhere else.

"The one family vacation that I went on before uh, before everything happened was when I was 12. My parents took me and my sister here, but we stayed in Verona because it was for their anniversary. We spent a whole day here, just admiring the fountains and nature and the palace. They told us that one day we were gonna live in a house like this, even though we never did," Demi explained, never once taking her eyes off of the sky.

"This is my first time being back here since I was 12. And it's like seeing everything that I've ever worked for opening up in front of me. It feels like I've come full circle. I was just a little girl without a clue and now I'm a woman with a family and a husband and a successful business. It's indescribable, really. It just feels like a little piece of me has been filled back in," she finished off with a light chuckle. Wilmer was in awe of her. Everything that came out of her mouth was poetic and beautiful and maybe he just had an unreal amount of admiration for her or maybe she really was just a genuinely beautiful person inside and out.

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