Chapter one: how it all changed

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* Hello everyone! This is the first chapter of the sequel of "Man In Love", Cold Love! I hope you'll enjoy this, and please don't be afraid to tell me if there's anything you want to share. Have a good day/night everyone, and continue to stay awesome .xx *


Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook had been in a relationship for four years. They had lived together in almost a year and gotten their own jobs. Taehyung was a fashion designer, but of course only a rookie at the moment. Jungkook was also a rookie when it came to being a tattooist. They were both making money, although they had a bad start on their first months together. However, their money problem was solved, but their other problems weren't.

Taehyung wasn't sure when things between them started to go down. He remembered how they were together when they were Freshmen in their University, but they weren't like that anymore.

Taehyung didn't know where his happy, lovely, cuddly and bright boyfriend went. He always used to having the brightest smiles of them all, and he was practically begging Taehyung to model for him so he could draw him, which happened quite often. Suddenly, Jungkook stopped. He stopped drawing. He stopped smiling and laughing. He stopped being happy. He stopped being himself. Taehyung often asked himself these questions: where did that boy go? What happened to him? Would he come back?

Jungkook had long time stopped talking to Taehyung. In their mornings, the most they said to each other was a 'hey', or maybe a longer one like a 'hello' if Jungkook was in a good mood, which he wasn't very often. Of course Taehyung had tried to get to Jungkook. He had tried to make him his favourite dish, all day making sure he got everything he wanted, even let him do anything he wanted to him, but he never said anything Taehyung wanted to hear. He wanted him to open. He just wanted to hear him talk.

Now all Taehyung heard from his wasn't in a state he wanted him in. Everyday Taehyung would worry about Jungkook's health. He had started smoking. He had started hanging out with dangerous people. He had started drinking...and not just sometimes, or little by little, but more than that. It was a lot. More than a lot. And it was making Taehyung worry. And disappointed. And tired. He kept asking himself how long this was going to last.

Taehyung currently couldn't stop checking his phone. He was nervously waiting at home in the lounge. It was way pass Jungkook's work time, and he knew he went out with his colleagues to drink. Taehyung sighed at the thought. He's so stupid. That's when he couldn't just sit there, and he picked up his phone to call his stupid boyfriend. No one answered as the call ended, and he texted him, asking where he was and what he was doing. It was not a possessive jealous boyfriend type. It was just a worried type, because Taehyung knew Jungkook couldn't take care of himself on his own. He needed Taehyung in his life to help him.

Taehyung received no answer, so he decided to call again. This time the call was picked up, but there was no voice to greet him.

"Hello?" Taehyung asked.

No answer. 

"Hello?" he repeated, hoping he didn't hear him. "Jungkookie? You there?"

"Hello?" Taehyung stiffened. That wasn't Jungkook's voice.

"Uhm, who's this?"

"Who's this?" asked the voice.

Taehyung frowned. "Why do you have Jeon Jungkook's phone?" he asked as he ignored the male's question.

"He's passed out, so I answered instead," he snickered on the other line. That made Taehyung jump up from the sofa and put on his shoes and grabbed his keys and jacket.

"Where are you?" he asked as he got in his car and started it, ready to drive.

"At a pub nearby work. It's called Angel something, don't really remember," he muttered as a hiccup followed after. Then fucking read the sign, Taehyung thought as he was already starting to dislike the man. He hung up the phone as soon as he found the address on his GPS device he had in his car, and started to drive.

When he arrived at a pub called Angel's Broken Wings, he ran inside and scanned around, searching for his drunken passed out boyfriend. When he spotted a familiar figure lying with his head down on the bar table, Taehyung sighed heavily as he stomped on his way to the table. Beside the sleeping being was a man, definitely older than Taehyung. The man looked surprised to see Taehyung as he approached closer, but the younger male ignored him as he tried to shake the drunken male awake.

"You're Kim Taehyung," the man muttered, making Taehyung frown at him.

"Who are you?" he asked whilst shaking his boyfriend lightly.

"I'm Jungkook's hyung," he smirked and drank from his beer bottle, "I'm teaching him, so technically he's my bitch." Taehyung cringed. Such language.

"Do you call everyone that, or only him?" Taehyung growled, causing the man to grin.

"I say that to everyone, so don't take it personally," he laughed. Taehyung scuffed, and put Jungkook's arm over his shoulder after he realised it was pointless trying to wake him up.

"Do you mind helping me bringing him to the car?" he asked, as he knew he wouldn't be able to get him into the car alone, unless he dragged him by his legs across the floor, which he definitely wouldn't praise him for doing so, if he'd even remember in the next morning that is.

The man didn't answer, but he still got up from the high chair and put Jungkook's other arm around his shoulder, and they both carried him to the car and laid him in the backseat. Taehyung didn't bother to thank the man as he quickly got in the driver's seat and drove off to their home. He struggled getting Jungkook inside, but after an hour or so, he was finally lying in their bed. As Taehyung tried getting Jungkook's clothes off, he couldn't help but to notice the strong smell of smoke and alcohol from both his clothes and breath. Taehyung wanted to puke. He hated smoking. He hated the smell of cigarettes. He hated the smell of alcohol. It only reminded him of his worst days. 

Finally Jungkook was peacefully sleeping in their bed, not even making one sound or movement at all. Taehyung could finally breathe out in relief and he grabbed himself some late snacks. He hadn't realised he had spent the past two and a half hours bringing Jungkook home and in bed safely.

As Taehyung was ready to sleep for the night, he sat in bed, staring at Jungkook. Tears appeared uninvited in his eyes, and he quickly wiped them away with the duvet.

"What happened to you Jungkookie?" he whispered softly as he kissed him on the cheek, and turned off the lights to sleep.

What would you do? What would you do if your boyfriend were turning into an alcoholic, smoking, and careless bastard? What would you do for him, and yourself? What should Taehyung have done?

Cold Love - MIL sequel second book #2 ⚣ TKWhere stories live. Discover now