My Baby's Daddy! Chapter 1: My Baby is Sick!

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My Baby's Daddy! Chapter 1:
My Baby is Sick!

“Oi! Idiot! Wake up.” Somebody was yelling next to me, nudging into my conscious. I think it’s my roommate. I buried my head deeper into my pillow. I didn’t want to get up. I was half awake and half asleep. She started to shake me. But I still wouldn’t budge. If I woke up, the dream I was having would disappear. I didn’t want that. Then she stopped shaking me. I wondered why for only a second, then I went back to trying to re-enter the dream I just left. It was there but not entirely. I was still conscious and so the dream didn’t want to return completely. My conscious was slowly slipping away. The dream would come back. I was almost completely in when my roommate came and hit me with something hard, multiple times until I fell off my bed. And so the dream left, and now I was fully conscious. My eyes were wide open as I rubbed the bumps at my side. “I’m going to have bruises.” I mumbled as I stood up and glared at my roommate and saying, “Damn you, Suzie! Why the hell did you hit me?” She put down the toy gun she loaded with...with--was that hardened clay?! What even?!  Must be another one of her crazy inventions. I shook my head and she looked at me.

“Because, it’s the fastest way to wake up an idiot like you.” she said as she pointed at me.

“What the hell is that anyways? It hurt like a bitch.”

“It’s a Clayser Mini-Gun. Like a laser gun but only with hardened clay, it compresses the small pieces of clay and then shoots them at an insane speed. I finished it this morning. It’s for self-defense, well, more to distract and temporarily stun the opponent with small bits of pain.”

“And so you decided to test it out on me!?” I said to her feeling a bit bewildered. She smirked and said “Of course. You’re the perfect guinea-pig. But enough of my invention. Your son—” I reacted quickly at the sound of your son. I jumped over my bed—which was a queen size—and ran towards her.

“My son? What happen to my son? Is he okay? What happened?” I demanded of her as I grabbed her arms and shook her, not roughly though. She grabbed her Clayser Mini-Gun and shot me. I went tumbling backwards. Ow! Shit! That mini-gun had some serious power; I’m going to have bruises on my bruises! 

“Calm yourself first, bitch.” Suzie ordered lightly and just I stared at her. She gave me her version of the look—the one that means that she ain’t playing around—and I took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. I did the “breathe in, breathe out” thing a couple of times before standing up and saying, “Okay. Okay. Suzie, I’m calm now. What happen to Eddie?” She bobbed her head towards her right, where Eddie’s little bed—which she made for him—is. I walked towards his bed and so did Suzie. As I peeked in, she said “He has a fever. I gave him medicine a while ago but he just threw it up. I also tried to feed him but again he threw it all up.” I gently touched his forehead. “He’s heating up.” I commented, a frown on my face. I went to the little table next to his bed and grabbed a small cloth. Then I went into our bathroom and wet it in the sink. Suzie watched me my every movement. I came back and grabbed Eddie and took him to my bed.

“Hey, Eddie, are you okay? How’re you feeling?” I asked him as I took off his pajama shirt and started to wipe off his sweat. He looked like he was in pain. Shit, I hate it when he looked that. It kills me inside whenever my baby was in pain.

“M-Mama. I-It hu-hurts.” he mananged to say panting. Without looking at Suzie, I spoke up, “Suzie get his bag ready and keep an eye on him while I go and tell Scarlett.” as I grabbed a T from the drawer and put it on Eddie. Then I laid him on the bed and turned to leave. Eddie grabbed my shirt.

I faced him with a small smile. “Stay here with Aunty Suzie okay? I’m going to go to Grandma Scarlett and ask her to excuse us from class so that I can take you to the hospital, yeah?” He let go of my shirt and nodded. He was such a good obedient boy and he‘s only almost three. I unplugged my cell from the charger next to my bed and as I walked towards the door I told Suzie, “If he gets worse text me. I’ll call Jeremiah and tell him to get ready for us.” Suzie nodded as she continued putting things into Eddie’s bag. I looked at my wrist watch, 7:57. My first class starts in about half an hour.

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