Chapter Ten - Finally Home

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(Pete's Point Of View)

I stepped out of the car and opened the trunk. I pulled out Cass's small sack, feeling nothing in it. Just a little weight pulling down, I threw it to the kid, not realizing that she wasn't looking. She turned around and it was almost about to hit her face, when she caught it like a football. She's good. She patted it down, I guess making sure all her things were in it. She silently sighed. You know, I don't think it's good that she won't talk, but it kind of nice having a quiet kid, rather than one who screamed he her head off. I walked in front of her and opened the doors. "Welcome home!" He yelled. I heard loud footsteps coming down the stairs. Bronx. He cane into view and yelled, "Daddy!" He rushed down the stairs and ran into my arms. I picked him up and he yelled "Mommy, Dad's home!" Meagan walked down with a sleeping Saint in her hands. She came down and hugged me, and I kissed her forehead. "Meagan, this is Cass." I said, waving at Cass. Meagan bent down next to Cass and hugged her. Case looked uncomfortable, but then she released her intensity and hugged her back.

(Cass's Point Of View)

Meagan Camper was hugging me. The Meagan Camper was actually hugging me. Internally, I was freaking out. I picked up the small handheld whiteboard that I took from the hospital. I quickly started writing something down, knowing what Pete was going to say next. "Cass, this is..." he started I quickly held up my whiteboard, which read, "Meagan Camper, Bronx and Saint Wentz." Meagan laughed while Pete just stood there, speechless. I heard more footsteps decending the stairs. Elisa with adorable baby Declan in her arms, followed by Marie and the always adorable Ruby. "Hey, sweetie!" I heard Patrick yell to Elisa. She walked up to us and looked down at me. She gave Declan to Patrick and bent down to examine me. She gasped and put her hands over her mouth. She scooped my up and held me in a tight hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she yelled as she swung me around. This was fun. But, wait...uh-oh. I gagged, let her know that I was losing air and blacking out. She gently set me down, just like Patrick would do. No wonder. And I felt someone strangling my legs, I looked down at Ruby, who was trying to give me a hug. I bent down and picked her up. Normally, I thought Maria would look concerned and snatch her away from me, but she actually just stood there next to Joe, watching me sincerely as Ruby laughed in my arms.

"Good with kids. That'll definitely come in handy." Meagan remarked. I was home. Finally home.

Pete and Meagan showed my up to my room. When Meagan opened the door, it looked like the entire floor downstairs! It had a glass room in the corner, with a closet the size of the entire wall. There was a small balcony with a desk, chair and couch. In the corner by the huge glass window, there was a screening area with a huge screen and  a projector hanging from the ceiling. and it the rounded corner, there was a king sized mattress with the black Fall Out Boy logo on the comforter. "Do you like it? I just made it." Meagan asked. I wrote on the whiteboard in my hand, saying "Like it? I absolutely love it! I would have been happy with an old blanket and a cinderblock set up in the garage!" Meagan and Pete stood there laughing. "Well, we'll leave you alone to get comfortable." Pete said, walking out with Meagan. I watched as they left, and once they were out of sight, I threw my small bag on the couch and I pulled out my hat and locket. I placed my hat on the dresser and put on the locket. And I pulled out the leather book at the bottom of the bag, and let my pen move about on the paper.

Hey guys! Sorry for such a crappy chapter. Testing started this week and I have a volleyball practice league starting this Wednesday, but it's a weekly practice and 2 games per week thing. So don't worry, I will be updating. And sorry for such the late update! Thanks for staying with me up until here, you guys are epic! And thank you Kezley (lovelyrebel22) for all the support and ideas! I love you so much! And thanks to everyone reading this! Stay awesome!

- Ru (FallOutAru)

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