Chapter One - Living Hell

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(Cass's Point Of View)

"Hello? Can you hear me? Please wake up!" I heard a faint voice echo through my head. I flutter my eyes open to see a paramedic and a man wearing a yellow shirt with the word "STAFF" in all caps on his back and sleeves looking at each other. "She looks no older than 8." The paramedic said. They both looked down at me. The man sighed and said, "She's awake."

 I look around to see a flipped car, broken glass, and two figures lying lifeless about 5 feet away from me. I slowly lifted myself up to see that those figures were my mother and father. I gasped as I saw my mother leg twisted the wrong way, and my dad cut up, assuming that the glass was the cause. Tears started flooding down my cheeks. I threw myself onto my mother and father, grabbing onto them, not wanting to let go. The paramedic tried to pull me off, but I slipped out of her grip, having been covered in my parents blood and tears. The paramedic attempted to pull me off once more, and picked me. I tried to kick her away, believing that none of this was true, that this was all a sick dream, that I would wake up in my bed, being in the secure arms of my dad. But nothing changed, and I was in the paramedics truck, being taken to the hospital.

"What's your name?" The paramedic asked me as we entered the truck. "C-Cass." I choked through my non-stop sobs. "Cass, I want you to tell me everything that happened here." she ordered. I would gladly, but I couldn't. I couldn't remember anything. "Cass...Cass!" the paramedic snapped at me. I guess I was dosing off. And then it all came back to me. It flooded through my head like a tsunami.


"Cass...Cass!" she said. "Are you excited?" I jumped up and down like a maniac. "Yes!!!!!" I screamed. We were actually going to Disney World! "Whoa, okay. Easy there with the sound level, your going to ruin that beautiful voice of yours!" he warned. "Dad, stop it! I suck at singing." I replied. I turned around and looked out the back window of the car. I saw a dark black van trailing us. "Mom, why is there a van following us?" I ask, concerned. "What, sweetie?" she said calm and sweetly as she looked back and gasped. She whipped her head towards my dad and said, "Hit the gas." He nodded and stomped on the gas pedal. I turned around and saw something peek out of the left window of the van. Then, I heard gunfire, with two loud thuds, shattering glass, and the screech of tires. I whipped around to see my mom and dad, laying lifeless in their seats, and the car spinning out of control. The car plummeted down the hill siding the road, and my parents bodies fly out of the broken window, including my own. Pain shot up my body, and everything went black.


"Thank you for telling me, honey." the paramedic told me as we entered the lobby of the hospital. "Cass, I want you to stay here and sit in that chair." She continued., pointing to a chair next to the desk. I argued for awhile, saying that I wanted to go in with them, but finally, I obliged. I slumped myself in the chair, quietly sobbing by the fact that my parents are dead. But I needed to see if it was true. Soon, a doctor came out and walked towards me. "Are you Cassandra Wilkson?" He asked. "Y-Yes, b-but you can c-call me C-Cass." I stuttered shakily. "Well, sweetie, I don't know how to say this..." she replied. But I already knew. I sobbed even harder.

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