Chapter Nine - Just A Dream?

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(Joe's Point Of View)

Time Lapse

"Oh, before you all leave, I have some information for you guys that you might want to know." The nurse said. "You guys go ahead, I'll stay back." I said. I walked up to the nurse. "I have some information on Cass. Cass seems to have many bruises all over her body. The cause being abuse, I assume. She also has many cuts and bruises around her lower body to hips, which look self-inflicted." she informed. Just the thought of the cuts and bruises she has self-inflicted gives me shivers down my spine. "She is mute, as you should already know, the cause being major trust issues. I assume following her parents deaths. And she has some traits and physical expressions that we have not been able to confirm as yet, so we would like to have her come in for some testing." she continued. I was in shock. "Okay, well. Thank you for informing me. I will talk to the rest of the guys about this and schedule a testing appointment." I replied. She nodded thank you, handed me some informational papers and I left.

I looked over the papers. Jesus, what happened to this kid?

(Cass's Point Of View)

"What was that about?" Patrick asked. Joe whispered something in his ear and he nodded. All the boys decided it was time to take Kelsey back. As we pulled up to the orphanage, I walked Kelsey in. We headed up to my room so I could grab my stuff. I peeked my head through the door to see if the devil was still here. Coast clear. I walked in and picked up my backpack and put in my things. Which, really was only a hat from my father, and a locket from my mother. I walked out and walked to Kelsey's lavender door. We both started crying. She engulfed me in a hug, which I didn't refuse. "I'll miss you." she told me. I nodded in agreement. I hugged her one more time. I waved bye and head down the stairs. I walked out the big white doors, which I definitely would not miss. I walked out to see a car pull up. Brendon Urie walked out! "You got my message!" Patrick yelled to him. I smiled. Kelsey. I walked up to Patrick. "Brendon, this is..." he started. "Miss Cass Wilkson." he interrupted. He struck out his hand. I took it and, expecting a hard hit or smack, I used my other arm to block myself. He looked at me with startled look, then laughed and pulled me in for a hug. I've been getting a lot of hugs lately. It's unusual, but nice.

I started gagging, implying that I couldn't breathe and he quickly let me free. "Thanks for risking your life, to save this man's life." he thanked, pointing at Patrick. He smiled and blushed. "Will everyone stop bringing that up?" he complained and laughed. I nodded vigorously in agreement. Brendon walked over to Pete and I walked over to Patrick, who pulled me into a side hug. I heard Pete telling Brendon about Kelsey, her flawless skin, pink tipped hair and all. She was definitely in for a surprise.

"Let's go home!" Andy yelled excitedly. "We gotta show Cass her new home!" I looked at him in awe. He actually talked for me! All the guys rushed to the car, and Patrick dragged me with him. Pete and Andy sat in front, and was squeezed in between Patrick and Joe in the back. I didn't mind it anyway, it was better than still being in the orphanage. We pulled up to a huge house, more like mansion. Andy looked back at me and said, "Welcome home!" It looked like a scene out of a movie. Am I wide awake, or is this just a dream?

Hey everybody! I thought I wouldn't elaborate as much in this chapter and give you guys a break from all the super long chapters. But since I had to cut off so much, expect another HUGE chapter next. And I may not update for awhile, it may turn into weekly updates. So sorry! But anyway, thanks for all the support and reading up here You guys are epic. Stay awesome! 

- Ru (FallOutAru)

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