Chapter Seven - Part 8

Start from the beginning

She turned to his direction with a startled look as if she just realized he was there. She needed practice in the acting department. "Hi, I'm so sorry did I interrupt you guys? I didn't realize Nate had company." God, why did he have to look so sexy? He wore jeans with a blue shirt with white pinstripes that had the embroidered Ralph Lauren logo. He looked so good; Ralph Lauren should be paying him to wear his clothes. Then she wondered what designer underwear he might be wearing. Shaking her head to wipe out her inappropriate thoughts, she focused in to his every word.

"No, no it's fine; I was just about to leave. My father came home from the hospital today so I'm going to head over to the house. I'll definitely see you tomorrow; I'll be by your place to pick you up about 7:00." Standing up extending his hand out to Nate he continued. "It's been great and we'll wait for the reports before we make any final decisions. Let me know as soon as they come in and we'll go over it together. I asked Charley to fly down in about a week or so which gives us plenty of time to have everything in order."

Nate shook his hand ignoring Marisol's presence. "No problem. Today was good man; I'll get back to you as soon as I have them. I'm glad I was able to assist you with the other deal. I can't wait to see the transformation."

Marco then took his leave before Nate divulged any further details he wasn't ready for anyone to know about his acquisition yet. Watching Marisol standing there with flowers hanging from her hand looking awkward was too much for him to handle. He had the urge to throw her over his shoulders and drag her out like the cave man days it would serve her right for driving him insane. He just focused on getting to his car before making a fool of himself he has tomorrow to look forward to.

She should have refused their plans for tomorrow but the words wouldn't escape her mouth. Turning her full attention to Nate once Marco cleared the room she just gushed out all her words without breathing. "Before you say anything, please listen to me. Look, I'm really sorry, I was out of line the other day and if you ignore me another day I will go insane, start a hunger strike and will wither away and I know you wouldn't want that on your conscience would you?" While giving her speech she stared at him with her puppy dog face the face he never seems to go up against.

He watched her with intensity trying to weigh what his next move should be. Leaning back into his chair bringing his hands to the back of his neck watching the anticipation in her eyes as she waited for his response was pure torture she deserved. Letting her off the hook he finally responded. "Marisol, you don't need to apologize you said what you felt and you made your point. I just wish you follow your own advice." Feeling guilty she looked down and focused on her Nine West shoes that look like they could use a good shine. "With that said I weighed in everything you said and tried to prove you wrong no doubt. I had a long talk with Lucas and you were right, yes I did say you were right." He admitted he was wrong and Marisol loved him even more. Lucas is lucky to have him. "Lucas confessed he felt alienated from my life even though he supports me in my personal decisions but nonetheless he still felt lonely. We have spent the past few days trying to figure out what changes need to happen in phases. First step we committed to being exclusive and scheduled a Caribbean vacation to seal the deal. We met with the travel agent and we leave next week. Perfect timing at work to take some time off." He looked up at Marisol with eyes filled with contentment displaying the biggest grin his cheeks could carry. She felt elated with joy causing her own eyes to fill up with unshed tears. "I haven't felt this happy and carefree in a really long time, so thank you Marisol for opening up my eyes."

Marisol looked at him through blurry eyes, "Oh my God, O-M-G as the kids would say. Nate, I don't know what to say besides the fact that I'm so proud of you."

"Well, it's definitely a start in the right direction. Now figuring out how to approach my family is a whole other issue but I am taking it one step at a time. He is the first person besides you of course that I can vision myself being with for the rest of my life."

Deception - A family Affair  (#sytycw15 #superromance)Where stories live. Discover now