Getting Let Off The Leash

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"Oh my god, that was my school," Stacey breathed quietly under her breath.

"Well, good thing you weren't there instead of safe here with me," the Joker snickered, and patted her leg. "Though looks like there won't be a class reunion there this year un-for-tu-nately."

A trail of words flashed continuously over the bottom of the screen. "Gotham state University now destroyed. The Joker made good on his threat. Location of the Joker still unknown. All civilians urged to stay indoors at this time and only go out when necessary."

"If you're just tuning in, the Joker has just blown up Gotham State University. He made a threat that normal citizens were to take down city hall immediately or he would blow up the school. He stayed true to his word.....hold on. It looks like we're switching to a live feed of Commissioner Gordon." The brunette news reporter continued, and Stacey's heart skipped a beat.

The T.V screen switched to a press conference with Commissioner Gordon addressing a crowd of reporters. He had tears in his eyes and he was having trouble speaking. "We still don't know of The Joker's whereabouts at this time," His voice cracked. "And my daughter...Stacey," he choked. He seemed like he was about to have a breakdown. "My daughter Stacey Gordon is still missing. We are assuming that the Joker has her hostage. We pray she is still alive. We have the entire police force searching for this maniac."

"Commissioner Gordon. Is it true you've been working with the Batman again even though he's an armed criminal wanted for several murders including the possible murder of Harvey Dent?" One of the reporters asked.

Jim Gordon appeared to be annoyed by the question. "We do not know if Batman is responsible for those murders as of yet, only that he's a suspect." Said Gordon. "And I do not know of the Batman's location either at this time. Only that I pray he's watching and I pray he helps me find my daughter and this mad man. Lord knows, we need him now. No more questions will be taken at this time." Gordon quickly bailed out of the conference, looking like he was ready to bawl. The crowd of reporters hovered around the stage like a flock of vultures, all yelling questions at once and continuing to snap photos.

"Jim, Jim Gordon. Always a liar. Why don't you just tell the good people that you're best buddies with that freak Bats hmm? At least I'm not a liar," Scoffed the Joker and took a sip from his wine glass.

Stacey could feel tears stinging her eyes at the sight of her pained father. She turned away from the T.V and buried her head into the Joker's chest. The Joker patted her head. "Hey," he whispered, almost soothingly. "What's the matter precious? Daddies right here." She was surprised that there wasn't a snicker in his voice this time.

"My poor father," said Stacey. "I miss my family!" she hiccupped.

"Hey," the Joker tilted her chin, forcing her to look at him. "There's no need for that now. I'm your family." He kissed her on the forehead.

"You blew up my school..." Stacey trailed.

"No I didn't," The Joker said tersely. "The citizens brought this on themselves. I tried to get them into the game. I warned them to take down City hall, but as usual they didn't comply. If they would just play the game, they would save themselves a lot of trouble. Just like I told you doll face." He spoke seriously and Stacey knew he believed his own logic.

"This city needs a little bit of what you'd call...balls-uh. Humans are sheep, doing whatever the government tells them. What a ridiculously boring existence these poor fools lead. Day in and day out, go to work, come home, have a beer, watch some laughably bad sitcoms on television, go to sleep then get up and do it all over again. How...boring." The Joker said with disgust then took another sip of wine. "They follow the rules no matter how ridiculous the rules may be. If the law is laid down they follow it. Until of course someone like me introduces a little chaos. I try to bring a little excitement to this city and they panic and turn to an outlaw vigilante freak who has broken just about every pathetic little law these politicians try to shove down our throats. Once I have this city under my complete control though, things will be different and the little sheep will be playing by my rules."

The Joker's New Toy { Wattys 2016}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat