I needed to get out. I cried out as the bat hit my ribs before I shot my leg out, it must have caught Gerald off guard because he fell easily and landed on his back with a grunt as he dropped the bat.

Before my mother could react, I grabbed the tea she had made for me, I hadn't drunk any of it, and threw it at her. It was almost cold but it surprised her which gave me time to scramble to my feet and limb to the front door. It was locked. I desperately tried to unlock it as my hand shook, failing a few times until the lock clicked.

"No! Get back here -" I threw the keys and cringed as it hit my mother's eye before I swung the door open and began running, trying not to focus on the pain that shot through my knee every time my right foot touched the ground.

I ran until I reached the park where my numb legs gave out and I fell onto my knees barely feeling the rain because of the pain. I tried to lift my hands but I cried out as my hand left my left arm.

No. No. No. No. No.

It can't be broken. It can't be.

I couldn't afford a doctor, I couldn't explain all of the injuries to one, it couldn't be broken, but when I looked down and saw my right hand clutching my skew arm, I knew it was. I almost threw up at the sight but my fear and worry somehow stopped that as I sobbed.

My throat felt knotted to the point where I couldn't swallow without my eyes bulging as I tried to breathe through my panic, my chest getting stiff because of my sobbing and the rain.

"Hello?" I didn't move from my knees or even look up as someone spoke, my mind was too clouded to make me acknowledge them. "Hey, are-are you alright?" I froze, my breathing and sobbing completely stopping. Damien? No. It can't be.

"Day, come on! Get out of the rain! Coach is going to murder you if you get sick!" I heard Rick shout. Why did it have to be them? Anyone but them!

"Dude! The game's on Monday, what the hell are you doing?! I'll kill you myself if you're too sick to play! Get out of the damn rain!" I heard Victor.

"Wait!" Damien shouted back, "Excuse me, you're going to get sick, what are you doing in the rain?" I winced as he grabbed my shoulder and he immediately pulled his hand back, "Shit - you're bleeding!" He hissed, "I-I'll call an ambulance." I sook my head despite the motion making me dizzy.

"I-I'm fine." I choked out.

"No, you're no -" he stopped, "Han...nah...? Is that you?" He didn't wait for a response. I shrunk back as he knelt in front of me and brushed my wet hair from my face, he looked shocked as he ran his eyes over me. I was shocked that he was kneeling in the mud to be at my level. "Oh my God, what- what happened to your face?" He took my chin gently.

"N-nothing. I'm fine." I tried to push his hand away, forgetting about my arm. I cried out as pain shot through it when I slightly let it go.

"Oh my god -" he muttered having had a glance at my arm, "Come on, I'll get you to a doctor." He said.

"No. No! I'm fine. Leave me alone -" I fought.

"No, you're not!" His shout made me shut up. I looked down. He sighed as he pulled his jacket off and put it around me. I couldn't push him away because I was trying to keep my arm straight. He slipped his arm under my legs and the other around my back. "I'm taking you to a doctor." He said.

"No -" I began.

"You don't have a choice." He said lifting me off the ground. I bit into my lip at the pain in my back and knee as he held me.

I felt him taking long, quick strides as he held me tightly against him while he ran through the rain. I shut my eyes feeling my chest tighten.

"Who's that? What happened to her?" I heard Rick.

"Why was she in the rain?" Victor's voice came.

"Hannah. I don't know what happened, we have to get her to my mom, quickly." I heard Damien reply.

"Get her inside," Elliott said.

I felt Damien climb into a car, still holding me tightly until he let me rest on his lap, his arm still pressing me to against his chest.

"You awake? Don't sleep, Hannah. You can't sleep 'till we get you checked out." He said pushing the wet strands of hair from my face as I shivered against him.

I opened my mouth but coughed.

"Here, give her mine, it's dry."

I heard shuffling as Damien's jacket was taken from my shoulders and replaced with Elliott's. I was incredibly grateful for the warmth. I went into a coughing fit as the car started to move, my ribs hurting more every time I coughed. I felt bad coughing into Damien's chest but he didn't seem to mind as he whispered things about my being alright while he rubbed my arm gently. I felt overwhelming fatigue come over me.

"Hannah? Don't sleep." I heard Damien but I couldn't listen. I shut my eyes letting myself sink into him limply as I fell into silent, motionless darkness.


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