"Don't just sit their help us with the tent Shikamaru." Sakura said as everyone started taking it down.

"No." Shikamaru said boredly sitting on the ground watching them.

"Stop being a cry baby." Temari said rolling her eyes as Shikamaru glared at her then slowly stood up and helped them pack up.

"It looks like Neji won the bet after all." Sakura said out of nowhere when they where finished.

"What bet?" Temari asked as Sakura laughed and Sai smiled.

"You, shut your mouth." Shikamaru said glaring at Sakura then at Sai.

"I'm so over this." Temari said defeated as she headed to the Sound village.


The afternoon went and gone by as they continued to travel to the sound village and when they finally got there it was past lunch time already.

"Finally." Sakura groaned seeing the village up ahead of them.

"Yeah, couldn't they have built this bloody village closer." Temari chimed in.

"Damn, and you two tell me I complain a lot." Shikamaru said rolling his eyes.

"That's becuase you do." Temari shrugged.

"Troublesome woman." Shikamaru sighed.

"State your purpose in the village." One of the guards at the village gates said for security measures.

"Where attending the ball." Shikamaru said as he handed them their invitations.

"Enjoy." The guard said handing him the scroll back after looking at it.

"Thanks." Shikamaru said taking the scroll and walked into the village as the group followed him.

"Shikamaru, do you know where you're going?" Temari asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Nope, how 'bout you?" Shikamaru asked looking back at her.

"Figured, actually I do I was here a few months ago." Temari grinned surprising the group.

"Oh, then lead the way troublesome woman." Shikamaru said gesturing for her to take the lead.

Temari walked slightly infront of the rest as she navigated through the village. The village was almost like Konoha except with less trees and less colour. They finally found a inn across the ball venue after they walked in a circle for at least 3 times.

"I told you we should've asked for directions." Shikamaru said rolling his eyes.

"I don't need directions." Temari said annoyed.

"That's not what the same building we passed 10 times told me." Shikamaru said exaggerated.

"Stop being dramatic we only passed it 3 times." Temari sighed rubbing her templates.

"Oh and that's better?" Shikamaru said bluntly.

"Considerably." Temari said glaring at Shikamaru who was next to her.

"Oh my gosh, just stop bickering for a minute, you're like an old married couple." Sakura said frustrated as they walked into the inn.

"If he was my husband, I would poison his tea." Temari said glaring at Shikamaru.

"If you where my wife, I would drink it." Shikamaru said glaring back at her making Sakura sigh and shake her head.

"Hi, we would like two adjoining rooms with two beds each please." Sai smiled politely at the receptionist.

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