Chapter 10

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Hi everyone! 

Here I am again... I know... I know... I can't believe it myself either. Two updates in one week, but I had to make it up to you :) 

I'm not entirely happy with this, but I couldn't get it any better than this.

Oh and I know it's completely random since Audrey isn't featured in this chapter, but I just thought you had to know how I think she looks like. I have no idea who this is by the way. Maybe you know it xd

So a picture of Audrey ---------------->

Well enjoy!


“And then she puked all over me.”

I let out a laugh when he said this. “So what you’re saying is that a drunken girl you didn’t know visited you, told all the guards she was your girlfriend, started molesting you when she came into your cell and then she screamed bloody murder telling all the guards she was being raped by a horny green dragon. And last but not least, she vomited all over you?”

Nate chuckled lightly as he walked beside me through the corridors. “Yeah, that pretty much covers it.”

“You know that sounds like something that can only happen in bad, cheesy movies,” I said while I ran a hand through my tangled hair. Combing all the knots out of it was going to be a bitch.

“Yeah, I know. But believe me it has really happened.”

“And you really didn’t know her?”


“But how did she know your name when she told the guards she was your girlfriend?” I wondered out loud.

Nate thought about this for a while, in the meantime we had reached my room. I leaned against my door while I looked at his face. It was too handsome too comprehend. All his futures just seemed right, but it were the little mistakes that made him perfect. For example he had a little scar next to his right eye. You could barely see it, but it was still there. And then there was his messy hair, he never seemed to be able to tame it. But the feature I liked the most about his face was his strong jaw. I desperately wanted to lick it. 

“I had just arrived at my first institute,” Nate’s voice snapped me out of my line of thinking. “I think she saw my name in an article in a newspaper.”

His face was sad when he told me this. I guess he was thinking back to the time were he was still free. It made me sad too when I thought about it.

“What’s the reason you had to go to a nuthouse in the first place?” I asked tentatively. 

Nate’s face looked shocked and alarmed while I asked him the question. He nervously started running his hand through his hair and he started to bite on his lower lip, something he only did when he was angry or nervous. Then he quickly composed himself, but his lip stayed between his teeth. 

“That’s none of your business,” he snapped angrily. His face was by now a furious mask. “I’m not asking you why you came here either, do I?”

“Everybody knows why I’m here,” I said my voice laced with irritation. I had no idea why he was suddenly so angry with me and I didn’t like his mood swings for one bit. They were making me nervous and uncomfortable.

Nate let out a humorless laugh. “You mean that little fire story. Do you think I’m fucking retarded?”

“That story is true.”

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