"Got it!" I hear her say in my head. Trying to calm her hunger is like a puzzle. All I have to do is put the pieces together one by one but it's too hard to grasp them. They're scattering in my brain and I can't seem to put them together but I know I have to bloody try. "Hunter, I need you to shift back and keep watch of any humans in sight! We'll take care of her!" I see her turn towards me and nod. We are so close to the gate but not close enough that could give us away. She ran ahead of us and turned into her human form. To my left, Julie is getting restless. I ran towards the four of them and tried my best to block her from the gate when we all stopped to smell something in the crisp breeze that blew past our noses. Before I can turn, Hunter's pierced warning entered my ears. "What are you doing outside? Go back!" She yelled at the person who just emerged from the bushes. He stood there frozen, looked at us back and forth. From Hunter, to me, to Julie. "Whatever you do, don't let Julie come near him!" She shouted towards us. When I turned to face Julie, something crashed on top of me. Ren almost crushed my lower leg, if I didn't move nearly all of my body away. He whispered an apology and bolted back towards Julie's restless wolf. I got up slowly when I heard a whistle, a shout.

"Hey! Over here!" He cried as he whistled in between. I was horrified, I guess we all were. Does this guy have a death wish? I turned to face Julie hoping that she didn't hear but she was already running towards him. I thought he would just stay there, but the idiot ran towards the tribe, Julie not far behind. Wherever he's taking her, he won't last long.

Merlin ran as fast as his skinny legs would carry him. Now that he has drove Julie away from the castle, he has to think of some place to take her, but he knows he can't run for much longer. He could feel her approaching behind him. Should he use magic now, but what kind of incantation or spell could he do to stop her from eating him? If he hides himself, she would just return to the castle again and try to break in. His eyes are getting cloudier, it's almost too hard for him to see where he is going. "In here!" He heard a voice. To his right, was a girl he recognised as Julie's friend when he went to her party. Bryn he remembered. "Lead her here." She spoke again. Merlin forced himself to run a bit longer and bolted inside the house. Bryn grabbed his shirt and dragged him upstairs and up a wooden ladder before pushing it up towards him. "Stay up there. That way she won't smell you. Don't come out unless I tell you to understood?" He nodded as he gathered his breath back. He can hear them approaching downstairs, he can hear the clatter of furniture on the ground. Though he's a wizard, he is afraid, not because of dying but because his friend would be the one to kill him. He sat in the room with only the red glow from the moon entering the round window.


As soon as Julie entered the hut, she went for the closest meat she could see without hesitation. She tore through the flesh, savouring the taste and texture of raw meat. After a few humungous bites, she felt something click inside of her. She looked down and saw red pieces of meat scattered everywhere. Licking her teeth she tasted its foul, grim taste and quickly backed away. When she turned around her friends were there staring at her. Bryn and Hunter were in their human forms but the boys weren't. She rapidly shifted and saw them all followed afterwards. Now human, Julie felt her tummy churn, insisting that she dispose of everything she just ate. She covered her mouth quickly and went outside the hut while her friends called out to her. Heading towards the bushes she vomited everything until her stomach was satisfied. Ren and Hunter came right after and saw her mess on the ground. They both chuckled lightly and wrapped their arms around her. "C'mon lets ask Lollinda to cook you a proper meal." She heard Hunter say.

All three of them made their way back to the house and everyone was sat down waiting. Fraser gave her a seat while Ben offered her a blanket. She took it gratefully and covered herself with it. She can hear Lollinda in the kitchen already frying and slicing. Her friends did nothing for a while but sat and observed her a bit longer. All of their eyes were at her peering up and down. As much as it made her uncomfortable, she had no strength to tell them off. Moments later Bryn appeared, Merlin following behind her. Julie remembered how he got here and quickly stood up from the chair and wrapped her arms around her friend. She buried her face on the nape of his neck and whispered an apology. "Hey, it's okay. I'm alive, thanks to your friends." He replied. Julie released him and smiled. "Actually, we didn't even know it was you. Ben was the biggest help." Hunter added. The others agreed and Julie turned to look at him. He showed a small smile as he met her eyes. That was a thank you enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2015 ⏰

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