Night #1

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"You're Kisame Hoshigaki, right?"

A blue skinned boy with gill-like features turned to face the voice. The boy blinked his small dark eyes once and nodded, ignoring the strange looks from passer-by's who stared in his direction.

In front of him was a young child similar to his own age. He couldn't tell their gender due to the unruly straight short purple hair and big eyes the colour of the night sky. That person wore a casual plain T-shirt and long shorts.

"Yeah. Who are you?" Kisame asked with caution. Suspicion was building inside of him. He'd seen this kid around. Who was this person and why had they called out to him? Were they an adult ninja disguised as a kid? The spikey blue haired boy's eyes narrowed.

"I'm Amaya! Amaya Mizushima! I see you all the time! Do you want to play with me?" Amaya grinned, showing gaps between her teeth.

Kisame realised that it was a girl due to the high voice and name. He thought back to the girls he'd seen in the academy, who all had their hair and dresses neat and the complete opposite of Amaya.

"You see me all the time? Why do you want to play with me?" He questioned. People didn't often ask him to play. He had grown to be fine with it.

"Yeah! I see you all the time. We live next to each other! I can't believe you don't even see me!" Amaya sulked, hunching over slightly, before she bounced back up and nodded, "Yes, yes! Let's play together!"

She was so bubbly and bouncy that it was almost annoying. Kisame suppressed a sigh. "Yeah, I mean why do you want to play?"

The girl stared at him as if he was missing a crucial point. "What do you mean why I want to play? I have fun because I play. So, let's have fun!" Amaya reached forward to grab Kisame's hand. The moment she touched it, Kisame jerked it away. Surprise etched itself on her face. "Kisame?"

The blue boy sighed and let his arm dangle. He wasn't so sure why this girl wanted to get so close to him. Sure, he had seen her around near his house, but he thought she was just passing by. But it was because she lived next door.


"Daddy?" The female turned around to see her father running up to her from the distance, stopping near the girl.

Kisame saw the similarities between the duo – they shared the same purple hair, albeit the father's was a tad lighter, and the same dark blue eyes.

So she was his daughter...Kisame thought with understanding. He had met the father before on several occasions. He helped him adjust when he first moved in next door by himself.

"I see you've already met Kisame." The father smiled and nodded his head in greeting to Kisame. The boy did the same.

Kisame mentally sighed. He could let his guard down a little due to the fact that she was his daughter. He thought of her to be an assassin or someone dangerous, but now that it's been cleared, he wasn't as cautious.

"Yeah! We were just going out to play!" Amaya grinned at Kisame before turning to her father, Sho, with the same grin.

"Hey...I didn't say I was going to play with you." Kisame deadpanned.

Does this girl not listen to people...?

"Amaya, what did I say about forcing people to play with you?" The father gave her daughter a stern look.

The girl chewed her bottom lip and stared at the ground. "...that I shouldn't do that."

"That's my girl." He smiled and nodded his head in approval, patting her head gently. Amaya lit up like a light bulb. Sho turned to Kisame, "Sorry about Amaya. She really likes playing ninja and wants everyone to play with her. She wants to be a ninja in the future."

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