Nice Boots

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I was going to sleep when my mom knocked on my door.

"Jessie? Some boys are at the door for you."

"Thanks mom. Be down in a bit."

I groaned and sat up. I knew it was Gerard and Mikey, but I wondered why. I walked downstairs in some flannel pajama pants and an old band T-shirt. When I got to the bottom of the steps, Mikey and Gerard were sitting on the couch.

"Hello." I said sleepily. It was only eleven o' clock, but today had been a rough day.

"I hope you're gonna change before we leave." Gerard said teasingly. Mikey sniggered at his comment.

"It's eleven at night! The only thing that's open is a fast food restaurant!"

"Good. I've been craving a burger." Mikey said, causing me to sigh.

"Let me just change first." I said, sounding defeated. I made my way upstairs and smiled to myself.

Despite the way I made it sound, I was actually kind of excited to go out with them. Even if it was to get fast food. I threw on my skinnies and doc martens before applying minimal makeup.

When I got downstairs, my mom was in the living room with them, seemingly enjoying herself. The boys were laughing and talking with her.

"Ready?" I asked, grabbing my jacket.

"Nice boots." Gerard said to me.

"Thanks." I said, looking down at them.

When we got to the car, Mikey let me ride shotgun. Gerard's car was a beat up black Volvo that looked like it had seen better days. It looked like it suited him.

I got in the front seat and looked back at Mikey, whose long legs were almost pushed up to his face due to the cramped back seat. I couldn't help from laughing.

"What?" Gerard said, looking back at his brother. He snickered. "Mikes has that problem a lot."

Once we got driving, it took us a while to get to the restaurant because Gerard kept on making wrong turns. Every time he made one he'd say "uh oh" or "whoops".

"You know, if I didn't know better, I'd say you were doing this on purpose, Gee." Mikey said, leaning up so that his head was in between our seats.

"I'm just trying to see my way around." Gerard said innocently.

Ten minutes later, Gerard finally got us to the fast food place. He parked and we got out. I pulled my scarf over my mouth to go against the wind.

When we got in, it was almost midnight and the place was deserted. There was a guy behind the counter with pencil-thin mustache, leaning on his elbow. When he saw us come in, he quickly sat up and dusted himself off, causing me to giggle.

Since Mikey offered to buy, I only ordered a milkshake. I didn't want to eat like a pig.

We ate and talked about town. They told me they came from a mob town down in Jersey, and moved because their parents were worried about them getting involved.

I also found out that Mikey is joining my grade at school after winter break and Gerard is going in as a senior. He was only seventeen, but he reminded me of someone much older. Mikey left a lot of friends behind, including his girlfriend of a year. Gerard only mentioned one friend he really missed, Ray.

I told them about Haley, and how I was sure they would love her and had to meet her soon. Mikey was definitely Haley's type. She loved the tall and greasy type, and Mikey's mysterious act would make her swoon.

Mikey ordered a huge meal for himself, and he was eating like he hadn't eaten in days. Gerard, however, was picking at his fries occasionally, not really caring about his food.

"Do you guys have any other siblings?" I asked.

"Nope, it's just us. We're pretty close for brothers, actually." Mikey said through large bites of his burger. He looked at Gerard and smiled with his mouth full, causing Gerard and I to laugh.

"What about you? Are you an only child?" Gerard asked.

"Yeah, it's just me and my mom. It gets kind of boring actually." I said.

"Well you're always welcome to the Way household. We have lots of action going on at all times. Gerard is quite the drama queen."

"Oh, shut up Mikes! You caused a scene over spare change the other day!"

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