Chapter 13

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Author's Note: Sorry it's been awhile I got writer's block for this story but not to worry because I'll be working on this more. Probably finish it within the two weeks. :) Anywho I hope you all are enjoying this.

Niall P.O.V.

When the ambulance and the police started the carry the guy who stabbed my Angel I got really angry again. This time I was out for blood. I have never been so angry in my life. I got up and walked up to the gurney he was on and told one of the paramedics to wait so I could tell him something.

I didn't say anything to him instead I punched him again.

“Whoa sir!” The police officer yelled and pulled me away. I only stared at the guy with a new start of blood trickling down from his already broken nose. He only smiled at me with blood starting to get in his teeth.

“If she dies because of you-”

“Come on mate, let's go to the hospital, I need to see how Aurora is. Please let's go. We'll deal with him later.”

I looked at Zayn and nodded but only after I lunged at my Angel's ex once again. Zayn held me back once again before Harry came over to help drag me to the car. I was raging inside and I couldn't contain it. I have never been this made before.

“Here listen to Ashley's messages on your voice-mail, just think about her. How happy she will be when this is all over. Please Niall, calm down. Ashley wouldn't like seeing you like this.”

“I think everyone one of us is scared of what will happen to them both. I also think no one likes seeing you this angry. Calm down alright?” Liam who was driving told me while looking back and forth between the rear-view mirror and the road.

I started to take deep breaths and looked at my phone in my hands and smiled at the background of my phone. It was me and Ashley holding the pregnancy test, both of us smiling. I then decided to to go through my photo's on my phone so I could see how truly beautiful she was to me. I smiled as the tears started to come down my cheeks, I remembered every picture of her, of us taking them or one of the other boys taking them. I just hoped everything would be okay, that her and my baby would be okay.

When we got to the hospital before Liam even parked me and Zayn were out of the SUV and almost ran smack in to the sliding glass doors. We looked at one another and smirked but went inside anyway then made our way up to the secretary's desk.

“Hello, miss were looking for Ashley and Aurora. They just came in with um wounds.” I asked the women but she only gave me a weird look.

I couldn't say the word, stab. I just couldn't. It hurt way too much. Zayn looked back and forth between the women and me.

“Ma'am they must've just came in with stab wounds. My girlfriend Aurora she got cut across her chest.”

“Oh your talking about the two girls that just came in. Your girlfriend is still in surgery her wounds were more serious. The other girl is going through major surgery right now, the embroic sack was pentrated and were not sure if the baby's going to make it. It seem's that the baby's life has endangered the mother's life as well.”

“Do what, how serious?” Zayn he tried to composure in his voice but it was slipping.

“I'm not sure, sir. But please go sit down in the waiting room and one of the doctor's will come out when everything's done.”

Liam, Harry, and Louis all came in as Zayn and I made our way in the waiting room but as soon as we entered Zayn's composure was gone and he punched the wall. The wall broke and he slid down the wall with his head in his hands.

As for me I had tears leaking down my cheeks, I couldn't loose her or my baby. I zoned out of it because the next thing I know Harry is shaking me saying

“The doctor needs to talk to you in private.”

I gulped and looked at the doctor trying to blink away the unshed tears. I was very scared at what he was going to tell me.

“Sir, please sit down, the news I have to tell is going to be hard to take in.”

I gulped and sat across from him slowly. I bit my lip in anticipation. I thought I was having a heart attack at this point because what he told me flipped my world upside down.

“I'll give you a few minutes to decide on what you want us to do. Again I'm so so sorry. We did try everything we could.”

I just nodded and looked away from him. I slid down from the chair in to the floor and cried. I couldn't believe I was going to have to choose between my Angel or my baby. Never had I thought this decision that I was going to have to make in my life. I couldn't choose, I couldn't loose either of them.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and slowly looked up to see Zayn and the other lads looking at me with tears in there eyes as well.

“Lad, I think you should save Ashley. I know how much it would hurt you to loose her.” Liam said quietly. I looked at the other lads and they nodded but I only stayed quiet until the doctor came back.

Ashley P.O.V.

I heard voices around me saying I was going to loose my baby. I tried to scream no but I didn't hear myself saying anything. Why couldn't I say anything or even move? I couldn't feel myself move.

Soon I found myself outside of my body. It was weird looking at myself. I was laying there my eyes closed and my fingers not moving. I seen all the nurses and doctors surrounding me with determined looks.

I felt myself walking around them trying to see if they seen me. I even yelled at one of them. I then touched one the nurses but my arm went right through her shoulder. I gulped and tried to get back inside of my body but I couldn't figure out how too.

The next thing I know I heard them shouting that were loosing me and my baby.

Niall P.O.V.

I felt my feet pounding the ground as I rushed in to my Angel's room looking at them trying to save them both but as the doctor told me I had to choose.

Right then I chose my Angel. I couldn't loose her. She was my soul mate, if I lost her I would loose myself.

I felt something in the room but only to be pushed out of the door as the crash cart came inside the room.

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