Chapter 1

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You wake up to the sunlight streaming in through your second story window. You roll over groaning at the brightness of the morning sun and try to go back to sleep. It works for about ten seconds before your cat jumps up and starts to lick your face, meowing so loud that you understand that she is hungry. "Y/N! Time to get up!" You hear as the door to your bedroom is opened. Your mom walks in, letting the cat out in the process. "Whyyyyyyy?" You whine as you pull the covers up over your head. "Because you need to pack. The shuttle leaves tomorrow, and you haven't even started yet." Your mom retorts. You remember that, even as boring as your life had been the in the last 18 years, you were accepted to Starfleet!

You practically jump out of bed to get ready to start the day. Looking in the mirror you remember that you need to pick up some more hair products, toothpaste, and whatever else comes to mind later at the store. The bathroom is all yours because you are an only child, and your parents have their own bathroom in your fair sized country house.

When you're done getting ready you run downstairs, and out the backdoor to the barn where your horse, chickens, and (secret) goose were waiting for you. This is what you are going to miss while at the academy. The wide open space of the 6 acres you have all to yourself, the smell of the wildflowers, and the smell of night slipping away into the day. The sound of the crickets chirping when the last rays of the sun set, the bird chirping when sun rises to reveal the dew on the grass, and the rainbow in the sky every morning and every night.

You were jerked out of your train of thought when the goose started to nibble at the hem of your jeans, telling you it is feeding time. Sighing, you get the bucket of food to put in his dish, wondering what will become of him when you leave. You were planning on telling your parents the morning you left, and leaving a note of his care instructions on the table when they weren't looking. You had this all planned out, but that was the lease of your worries. Feeding everyone else and running back inside, you ate breakfast so fast that your dad was thoroughly convinced that you didn't eat between bites.
When you were done, you flew upstairs to throw a stack of clothes on your bed to be packed later.

*Time Skip brought to you by Space, the Final Frontier*

After coming home from the store, getting everything that was remembered and a new suitcase, you packed everything and a few thing that were not necessary, but would make home seem closer that halfway across the country. You make a mental checklist, check everything off, and make a real checklist and check everything off again. Then you get your mom to checklist you, and you have everything that is needed. By the time everything is packed, its about 8:30 at night, and you're exhausted, stressed, and ready to go to bed.

Later, you sat in front of the TV with your parents, watching some 1980's sit com eating whatever was leftover in the fridge, pantry, and cabinets from the last shopping trip. When it was over, you said goodnight to your mom and dad, and went to bed. About ten minutes later while you were up trying to remember your schedule and where everything on campus was, someone knocked on the door. Wondering who it was, you whisper-yelled "Come in." Your mom came in seconds later and sat on the edge of your bed, a look of happiness and anxiety on her face. Your heart skipped a beat, wondering what was the matter. You both sat in silence for a moment until she looked up into your eyes and said, "I just want you to be careful, OK? I don't want anything to happen to you, and if something were to happen... I'll tell you later. Its late. You are probably tired. And you need to get up early. Good night Y/N. I love you so much." And with that she kissed you on the forehead and was out of the room before you even knew what happened. Confused and tired, you put everything back into the backpack you were taking tomorrow, shut the lights off, and went off into a blissful sleep.

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