4. Discovery

Depuis le début

"Bree has another suit, use it, it will protect you" I nodded, Bree grabbed my hand pulling me to the capsules.

"Go to Chase's capsule" Bree pointed to the middle capsule.

"Okay" I ran over to Chase's capsule, and walked out seconds later with the same black mission suit with heeled boots and the Davenport logo as Bree. I looked down impressed.

"These suits are so badass!" I yelled excited.

"I know right?!" Bree laughed.

"You guys can't go alone, you'll need someone handsome, tough and young" He said with his big ego.

"Um, your injured, you can't fight him."

"He wouldn't have a chance, even if he was healed." Bree joked, we high-fived and Davenport gave us a look.

We then heard a loud crash upstairs, I exchanged glances with Bree, we were about to run upstairs, but Davenport interrupted us.....again -_- 

"I'm going!" He exclaimed.

"Fine" Bree and I said in defeat. He turned around to get his gun he uses for bionic people. But Bree super speed us out, we put the lab on lock down, and left. We saw Chase and Leo on the floor, and Adam blasted Krane across the room with his blast wave. He stood up about to fight back.

"I believe your looking for me?" I glared at Krane, they all turned around to see Bree and I. Adam,Chase, and Leo looked me up and down, they're jaws dropped. Psh don't catch flies.

"There you are" he smirked sickly. He approached me walking around me as if I was a display, I felt my breathe slow down. I looked at Adam, sending him a scared expression.

"Blizzard" he mouthed at me, I looked back at Krane and grabbed his shoulders and kicked him in the  stomach, he grunted in pain, thank god for heels. I put my hands in front of me and directed them at Krane, he looked up and started to laugh.

"Your funny sweetheart, what are you gonna do? Freeze me?" He continued to laugh, remembering last I froze his hands. I glared at him, my hands started to shake and strong winds came out of now where, his back collided with the wall, he wasn't able to see a single thing due to the wind, the winds soon calmed down.

"Your right, this is pretty funny" I sassed.

"You can't seem to listen" he geoleaped behind Bree and held her in a head lock position, "maybe now you will."  

"Leave her alone!" I screamed. The guys ran up behind me, they all looked scared.

"You know what you have to do, trade yourself to me instead of her, that is if you want her safe." What a sick mind he has.

"Don't listen to him! He's lying, once he'll get you, he will kill me!" Bree's voice was starting to strain, Krane's grip got tighter as the minute passed. I looked to Chase.

"What do I do?" I panicked.

"I don't know..." he said worriedly. I sighed, and I walked up to Krane.

"No, Sophia...."Bree pasted out. 

"Let her go, you have me now," he dropped Bree's body, I was about to go to Bree's side, but Krane held me by the waist, I didn't bother fighting back, I was too worried about Bree, I didn't see her chest moving, I started to cry, my best friend wasn't breathing and it was all Kranes fault. Chase kept looking for a pulse, he looked up and nodded no sadly. I started screaming and crying, I tired to get out of Krane's arms.

"You monster! You will pay for this!" I continued crying, he just started laughing as if this were funny. I slowly looked up at him.

"Let Sophia go, I'm warning you, I'm not gonna let you kill her too" Adam angrily said.

Lab Rats:Two world's (on hold)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant