Smells Like Teen Spirit

Start from the beginning

Caroline followed Natalie's gaze to where there was, indeed, a medium-small patch of blood, but thankfully not noticeable enough for people to actually question it. Or maybe they were just used to Tyler being an ass and beating people up. Or a little bit of both. But Caroline didn't respond so indifferently as she pushed her boyfriend into the boys' restroom. "Oh my god!"

And the blonde also had a pretty good grip on Natalie's arm, forcing the brunette to join them into what might not be the most comfortable conversation to be there with. So, she decided to check the stalls for people, really hoping that there weren't anyone there as that would be profoundly awkward.

"What's going on?" Tyler asked, thinking that there may be some danger near, not guessing that Caroline would react to that small thing with such anger.

"Vampire 101...don't wear your breakfast to school!" the blonde vampire exclaimed, almost as if Tyler was dumb for not figuring that out by himself.

Tyler rolled his eyes at the Forbes girl's reaction, his mind telling him that she was clearly overreacting. "Chill out. It was just a blood bag."

And although Tyler wanted to stop all her questioning with this, it only caused more. "From where?"

"Rebekah hooked me up." the mayor's son shrugged, as if hanging out with an original vampire who fell in love in split seconds was no big deal at all.

And that's when Natalie really wanted to speak up, asking why the hell he would hang out with who she predicted would be his girlfriend's nemesis. But Caroline however, wasn't afraid to speak up on the subject. "Rebekah? And what are you even talking to her for?"

"Klaus told her to keep a watch on me. Protect his new asset." he smirked, finding all this as an amazing thing happening, not as something potentially dangerous. 

"His what?" the blonde asked incredulously, getting really annoyed when she saw him shrug, that stupid smirk still on his face. "Why are you amused by this?"

"I'm his first successful hybrid, Caroline. Don't you think that's the tiniest bit awesome?" the hybrid smiled, although, once again, just making her madder and madder.

"Oh, wow! I cannot believe you just said that." Caroline shook her head in anger, a bitter smile gracing her face.

Natalie recognized the look on her best friend's face, deciding it was time to get the hell out of there before the whole thing blew up. "So, I'm just gonna, yeah... good luck." Although she wasn't sure who she was wishing good luck to, as she thought they both needed it with each other.

And as she walked out of the boy's restroom, she noticed that there was a struggle between two people she both loved and found profoundly annoying.

"I said let go of me." Elena spat at her current/maybe ex-boyfriend, who was holding her arm tightly in a grip that was hurting her arm.

Natalie sensed that if she was going to break into the conversation, it may create some physical conflict, and having no weapons, she slipped something else on her hand. "Let her go."

Stefan turned to the brunette in annoyance, letting go of the doppelganger at her request. 

But as she saw the twitch in his arm, she realized that was going to do something she would not appreciate. "If you as much as lay one finger on me, I will leave you in pieces."

The humanity-less vampire chuckled quickly, but Natalie saw his next action coming, and as he raised his hand to grab her wrist harshly, it rather went the other way around, as Natalie held on to his wrist, to which Stefan's response was surprising.

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