Chapter 17:Escape

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I was sitting in the carriage. I looked in front of me and there was a hooded figure.

“Let me go, now!”, I said with gritted teeth. The hooded figure lifted their head up.

It was Hallie’s face, it had a deep scar on her right cheek.

“What happened to you Hallie!?”, I screamed

“Do not call me that!, it is not my name!”, yelled Hallie

“It is your name!, you’re my sister how can you not remember your own name!?”, yelled

“I am NOT your sister and if you don’t shut up I’ll make you shut up!’, yelled Hallie

“Do you even remember anything?!, you’re my sister and you always will be!”, I shouted

She didn’t answer, and for that one moment I saw that my little sister was still in there.

“I told you that if you didn’t shut up that I was going to shut you up, you  B!tch!”, yelled Hallie

She grabbed a small bag out of her cloak and  grabbed some of the powder that was inside threw it at me.

“Hall—“, I choked out before it went all black

I woke up in a fancy room, like if it had been some royal person’s room. There was a door on the far end of the room. I stood up and heard a clatter like chains. I looked at my feet and sure enough they had chains. I walked as close as I could to the door, but I was never able to even get a foot away from the door handle. I looked at the other sides of the room. No windows, just a small table and lamp on the other side of the bed. If I didn’t get out soon I would go mad. And sure enough in less than an hour I was pacing the room like a caged animal. Since there were no windows I couldn’t tell if it was night or day. All I knew was that I was hungry, very hungry. I could probably survive on human food for another day before I really started feeling the effects of not drinking my “tomato juice.” I heard the door open and I immediately ran as far as I could before the chains stopped me. It was a human boy, he had short brown hair and blue eyes, he looked a lot younger than me, probably twelve or thirteen. He had a plate of food with him and some water in a cup. It smelt appetizing.

“What time of day is it?”, I asked

“I’m sorry, but I’m not allowed to speak to you”, said the boy

“I just want to know if its day or night”, I said

The boy hesitated, he kept looking at me right in the eye for some reason.

“It’s about noon, and I’m also supposed to tell you that a stylist will be coming to get you ready for your audience with the king”, said the boy

He started leaving and was opening the door

“Thank you”, I said , and the boy left

I looked the food and it wasn’t half bad. It was a spinach Alfredo pasta, with a small piece of bread. I ate my food calmly, knowing that I had lots of time. I looked at the water and wish it was my tomato juice. Now that I thought about it that boy had plenty of tomato juice inside him.

Someone barged in my room and it was a woman, she had dark red hair, with glasses and a very pointed nose. Her eyes were brown, but they looked down on you like if she was examining you.

“Well luckily  your not hideous.”, said the stylist

“My name is Madam Patney  and that is what you will refer to me as and nothing else!”, she said

I just stared blankly at her

“Get up on that stool!”, Madam Patney said

I got up and stood on the stool

In The Darkness (Watty Awards 2011)Where stories live. Discover now