Chapter 39.

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A/N, this chapter is dedicated to worldreader18 I hope you enjoy this chapter, thank you for all the votes and comments to my story. It means a lot. There will be one more chapter left in this book. Now on with the chapter.

( Back with Sami.)

Sami hit the ground hard, but quickly scrambled to his feet. Evan had shot a blast of power at him, but he had dodged it.

Evan walked closer with glowing red hands. " So glad you decided to come here. Now I don't have to search for you."

Sami walked back away from Evan. " This doesn't have to happen this way brother."

Evan laughed. " Oh but it does. You left me no choice, you betrayed me and tried to take away what you promised, the power that is rightfully mine."

" Ok I now realize at the time I made a mistake, but I knew the side effects to that spell and I  didn't want it to spiral out of control like it has done now." Says Sami.

" Lies, all lies. You just say the first words that come to your mind, you don't even stop to think what kind of effect they would have on the people around you." Says Evan.

He continued to walk towards Sami as he continued to back away. " You knew every side effect and you didn't care. I bet you just brought me back so I could gather the power and you could take it from me. Your just as power hungry as I am."

Sami looked shocked by what he said. " No Evan, you got it all wrong. That's not true, I never wanted power. I never wanted any of this."

Evan screamed in rage shot a huge blast of power at Sami. Sami just barely dodged as it hit the wall and exploded, sending red everywhere around the room.

" Right, you never wanted this. You just wanted to keep that freakin' promise you made to mom all those year ago as she died. You never cared about me, only her." Says Evan. Sparks and power flickered off Evan's hands and were hitting the walls, ceiling, and the floor, cracking everything and breaking tiles.

Sami jumped back as one nearly hit him. He then just barely saw out of the corner of his eye, two figures running into the room. Magnus and Alec.

" That's not true Evan. Yes I wanted to keep the promise, but it wasn't just that. I cared about you a lot Evan, I wanted to keep you safe."

Evan scoffed. Then he flipped around and stuck out a glowing red hand. " Trying to sneak up on me huh? Well nice try. I can sense everything in this room."

Alec locked eyes with Sami, Sami nodded and stood up straighter. Alec nodded at Magnus.

Magnus started walking around till he stood across from Sami with Evan in the middle of them.

Evan was studying them. " I sense high power levels. How did you two manage to get so power when I took all of his powers and most of yours? Want to explain that to me Sami?" Says Evan.

" I got power with the help of them. You don't need to know how." Spat Sami.

" I don't need to know, but I want to know. You see, I'm curious, a I'm going to find out one way or another." Says Evan.

Sami growled.  He didn't know if he should tell Evan he was now bound to Magnus by a spell that was like a Parabatai rune.

Magnus decided for them. " We're not going to tell you. All you need to know is that together we're just as powerful as you, maybe even more powerful." Says Magnus.

Evan laughed. " I highly doubt that. I have both of your powers. Magnus was drained of all of his, and Sami, I only left you some because I wasn't so cruel to my own brother like I was to them, but now I'm thinking I should have taken all of it."

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