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After everything that happened with Evan, things had calmed down a lot.

Sami had a private talk with the Clave and they agreed to let him remain free since he helped with Evan, but given the fact he was the one who started this, they limited him to stay in only the New York area.

It was a good thing too. They also agreed to let him have a small funeral for his brother.

Now everyone was back at the Institute. Magnus had used his magic to fix his flat and all that was burnt.

It had now been a three weeks since everything had happened and they were going to meet at Java Jones.

Alec was walking there with Jace, Clary, Isabelle, and Simon. Magnus said he would meet them there. He just had something to do first.

" So I heard there's going to be a small performance while we're there." Says Jace walking backwards so he could see the others.

" Yeah, should be pretty cool this time. Last time I was being tormented to get the book and spell from Sami, so it wasn't that fun that time." Says Alec slightly laughing.

Jace let out a laugh. " Yeah, your right. That wasn't fun."

Alec just grinned and shook his head. They were now at the entrance to Java Jones.

They opened the doors and walked in, they found a table in the back. They went and sat down.

" When did Magnus say he would be here?" Says Isabelle.

" He should be here in a few minutes." Says Alec.

Isabelle nodded and got up with Simon to go get some coffee for everyone.

When they got back they started talking for a couple minutes. Then heard. " Hey guys." From a familiar voice.

They gasped and looked, there stood Magnus, Tessa, Catarina and Sami. Sami was the one who spoke.

" Sami, your here! I thought we wouldn't see you for a while?" Says Isabelle.

" Well I have to stay in the New York area, plus I have a job and a girlfriend now, so your not going to get rid of me that easily." Says Sami smiling.

Isabelle grinned. " Really? Who is she, is she someone we know?" Says Isabelle.

" Oh you know me very well." Says the person next to him.

Everyone gasped in surprise. It was Catarina. She had been holding his hand the entire time and they never noticed till now.

She stood on her tip toes and kissed Sami's cheek. " I'm working with her at the hospital she works at. Since I can read minds it can help with figuring out how they got the injury or illness and I can also get what she needs and give her more power if she needs any." Says Sami.

" Aw thats so cute. I'm glad you guys are together." Says Isabelle.

" Me to. She's been helping me get through Evan's death. It's been really hard." Says Sami.

" He was constantly blaming himself for everything that had happened, and he felt really bad for killing Evan, but I've been helping him through this. We got together about two weeks ago." Says Catarina.

Everyone slightly smiled. It had been very hard on Sami the day he had to kill Evan. He had been with his brothers body till they buried him, and during the small funeral Catarina was there comforting him. It was a sad day.

" Well sit down and get ready. There's a person about to perform a song." Says Isabelle.

" I'll go get us four some coffee." Says Tessa. She then got up and left. She soon came back and passed out four cups of coffee.

" Thank you." Says Sami. Catarina nodded thanks.

Magnus gave a stupid grin as he took a sip. " Thanks Tessa." He said.

She smiled and took a sip of her own cup of coffee.

Then they heard the loud noise of a microphone. When they looked over, they saw a girl standing there in front of a microphone. " Hey guys. I hope you enjoy this song. " she says, and with that the music starts and she starts to sing.

" Let it go, let it roll right off your shoulders, don't you know. The hardest part is over

Let it in, let your clarity define you in the end. We will only just remember how it feels.

Our lives are made in these small hours, these little wonders, these twists and turns of fate. Time falls away, but these small hours, these small hours still remain.

Let it slide, let you troubles fall behind you, let it shine. Until you feel it all around you, and I don't mind.

If it's me you need to turn to we'll get by. It's the heart that really matters in the end.

Our lives are made in these small hours, these little wonders, these twists and turns of fate, times falls away, but these small hours, these small hours still remain.

All of my regret will wash away somehow, and I can not forget the way I feel right now.

In these small hours, these little wonder, these twists and turns, twist and turns of fate, time falls away, but in these small hours, these small hours, still remain, still remain. These little wonders, these twists and turns of fate, time falls away, but these small hours, these little wonders still remain."

When she finished the entire place burst into cheers.

Alec looked at the others and smiled. It was good to have everything back to normal. Even if there were a few small changes. They gained a powerful friend who would help them whenever they needed it.

Magnus now knows what it was like to have a Parabatai now that he's connected the same way to Sami as Alec is to Jace.

Sami had a girlfriend now, someone trustworthy, someone who would be there for him no matter what and as he goes through this tough time. Someone he could one day love.

Sami looked over at Magnus. " Here, this belongs to you. I forgot to give it back." Says Sami bringing out the spell book and the separate spell that was taken from him.

Magnus looked a bit surprised, but took it anyway. " Thanks Sami." Says Magnus. Sami smiled.

He then looked at the others. " Thank you all for everything. I wouldn't have been able to do it without you guys. Even after everything I did, all the crap I put you guys through, you guys helped me and treated me with kindness and I thank you so much for that." Says Sami.

Isabelle smiled at him. " Hey it's what family does. We look out for each other." Says Isabelle.

Sami smiled. " Family?"

Jace clapped him on the shoulder. " Yes Sami, your are now like family to us. So don't ruin it." Says Jace grinning.

Sami grinned and let out a small laugh. " Wouldn't dream of it."

Everyone smiled and laughed and had a great time. The Shadowhunters could go back to hunting demons, Sami and Catarina would be working at the hospital helping people, and Magnus would go back to his job of helping clients.

With one nice new friends gained, and everything back to normal. Things were starting to look up, and hopefully it would stay that way.


Well there you have it. It's finally over. I hope you all enjoyed this fanfiction cause it was so much fun to write, oh and any song that was used in this fanfic doesn't belong to me, they belong to the people that do own it and wrote it, and as always I will keep on writing. :-)

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