Chapter 27.

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( Back with Alec.)

" Well every thing seems to have calmed down." Says Jace.

Alec sat up wincing, " We're you able to see anything?" Says Alec.

" No, I wasn't able to see anything." Says Jace.

Alec nodded and rated his head back against the wall. " You ok Alec?" Says Isabelle.

Alec smiled. " Yeah, I'm fine. I... " he was interrupted by someone walking up to the bars.

It was a girl. She had a small cart behind her that held small trays of food and a few cups of water. " Might as well give you guys something to eat. Evan wants you guys well and healthy for when he kills you." Says the girl.

She manages to slip the cart inside the cell and close it back before they could try anything. Then Alec asked something. " Why does he want us healthy if he's just going to kill us?" Says Alec.

" He just wants us to be aware of everything that's going on around us when he kills us." Spat isabelle crossing her arms.

" That may be true, but no matter what we still have to eat." Says Alec.

" He's right, we need to keep up our strength." Says Magnus.

Isabelle nodded, and with that they all say and started to pass out the food. The girl had seen, but turned and walked away before they even realized she had been watching.

( Back with Sami.) 

Sami was pacing the Clave meeting room. The fight with Evan in town had really bothered him. Evan's temper is geting worse, if he got any more power he would lose control. Sami would have to take some of his powers if he tried to get more.

He still had no idea where Evan went, but he was about to find out. " Emily!!" He called.

Emily ran in. " Yes Sir?" Says Emily.

" I need you to go find Evan and send him here." Says Sami.

She looked nervous, but nodded anyway and left. Sami walked over to a chair and sat down in it, not sure what else to do as he waited.

Sami had done about everything that needed to be done and he wanted to go over it with Evan. Jia had sent al the fore messages and all the people in town know who's in charge. Now all that was left to do was go over a few things with Evan and see if he wants to make any changes to the Clave building,  or see if he has anything also in mind.

He thought over this for a long time, then he realized it had been nearly a hour since he sent Emily to go get Evan. He was about to go see what was taking so long when suddenly the lights flickered and a form appeared in the doorway.

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