Burning Water Chapter 19

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Chapter nineteen (Jason) 

Jason slashed at his enemy, trying to make a nice, long gouge. But he didn't. Miss Lael's sword blocked Jason's attempt. She stepped back to regain balance and struck at Jason's head. He ducked with no time to spare. Jason repositioned himself into a defensive stance. 

It will be easier to attack when she's tired. He though strategically. 

The two rivals’ swords clashed in the air. The sound of the combat echoed through the silent forest clearly indicating that a fight was taking place. Jason swirled over one of Miss Lael's attacks. Her long hair whirled around in the chilly air. It distracted Jason for a moment. Some of the hair slashed across his face, and it hurt more than he thought it would. Almost like a whip. Jason thought with a small smile.

She swung her sword to attack Jason. He side-stepped away. The sword just missed his stomach. Now paying more attention because of Miss Lael's obvious talent, Jason started to go on the offensive side. He managed to make a cut in her left shoulder, a small one; the sword had just barely touched her. It’s not a deep wound, it won't slow her down a bit..., thought Jason. 

Shocked for a second, Miss Lael took a step back. She still had her sword in one hand and her shield in the other. She steadied her helmet, for it was crooked. Jason could have made a slash, but he decided not to. After all, his trainer, Sir Nathaniel, always told the orphans: "Never attack someone who isn't ready, for it wouldn't be a fight, it would be cruel and treacherous, just like the Furie." 

Jason remembered some of the other rules of fighting: Never lose sight of who you are fighting; Always keep your sword steady in both hands if you feel like you could lose a fight; If no one is attacking, make sure you don’t stay still, keep moving...

Instinctively, Jason now slid his shield up his arm, and held his sword in both hands. Hopefully this will work, Jason thought as he planned his next move. 

When Lael came back to fight, Jason quickly swirled around her and slashed at her feet. Unfortunately, Miss Lael also had a trick up her sleeve. She jumped over his strike and swung her sword down towards Jason. He was sure it was the end. I lost, he thought, I'll never become a Sir in Parton. 

But surprisingly, Miss Lael missed. Her sword slammed into the ground. It was stuck. Now was his chance. He could strike. He could kill. But that wasn't the plan at all. The voice of Sir Nathaniel came to his thoughts: "Never kill, unless you have to."

So Jason took his sword and hit her hard on her head with the hilt. She fell unconscious, with only the 'thud' of her body hitting the ground.

Jason watched Miss Lael as she breathed slowly, lying on the ground. To Jason's relief, she was still alive. Although his move couldn't kill a lady like her, he still made sure she was alive.

 Once again, Jason was walking through the forest in search for the golden sword made by Ansel himself. When he had finished fighting Miss Lael, he had remembered to quickly get away, because, with all the noise they had made, any of the other knights and sword-maidens could have heard. And that wouldn't be good. 

If Jason could get to the sword without any other people to fight, that would be just great, but something made Jason doubt that that would happen.

A while passed, and the only important thing that had happened was a long shriek in the forest. It surprised him, but he recognized it, although it still frightened him.

He kept on repeating to himself: Never give up, never give up. You can do it. Almost there. But, often, it only made him want to give up even more. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2011 ⏰

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