Chapter 17 ~ Pull Through

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*I'm sorry for all the tears caused in the last chapter! This chapter should hopefully be more positive!*

Enjoy c:



We stood in the ambulance, racing down the street. The heart monitor was still beeping, but not fast.

It will kill me if I lose Leona now. She's made such a huge impact on my life, and without her it's going to hurt so badly.

Me and Dan both held eachother, he was crying into my chest and reading the note she left us. Her suicide note.

I can't believe that me and Dan are one of the reasons she was sad. I knew that she knew we were arguing, but I didn't think she would be so upset about it. If I could go back, and change it I would stop my selfish feelings and just get past it. I'm an idiot for making such a big deal out of it.

I'm sorry Leona, I really am.

It all happened too fast, one minute the heart monitor was beeping, and the next; the line went flat.

I screamed into Dan's chest, gripping onto him with all the fight I had left. We arrived at the hospital and they ran her bed in as fast as they could taking her from our grasp and into an operation room.

I could still hear them shouting as they rushed down the corridor




they electrocuted her with those things that you press against someone's chest.



I cried so much, she was gone; they took her into a private room and me and Dan were left to wait and see what happens.

We sat down and I held him in my arms, rubbing circles on his back.

"I'm so sorry Dan, this is all my fault. I shouldn't of started an arugement," I whispered.

"No.. It's not your fault, don't blame yourself," Dan squeaked.

I tried to hold back the tears, I tried to be strong for Dan. I tried to act like I was okay, but i was petrified.

Why? Why her! Why did it have to be Leona?!

I couldn't take it, I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. I broke down and a flood of tears washed over me.

"It's okay Phil, we gotta stay positive," Dan said, taking me into his arms.

I nodded but on the inside, i wasn't sure how this was going to turn out at all. Please don't let her die, for the love of God save her!

Please fight Leona! Please don't die!


After hours and hours of waiting, it felt like we were waiting for the earth to end. Hour after hour, me and Dan would take turns going to the vending machine to get something to eat, but neither of us had any appetite. Finally, we were pulled aside by a doctor and he took us to a room where he could speak to us without the patients listening in on us.

"I have some news," the doctor said.

Me and Dan gripped each other's hand and I squeezed it as hard as I could.

"She is.." He went on.

"Stable." He said.

My heart fell back into place, I sighed happily and grabbed Dan and pulled him into a hug. She's okay! She really is okay!

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