August 14th, 2014

91 9 12

Walking out of school to the parking lot, with Devon by my side, I could obviously see something was up with him. The whole day he had been quieter than usual, and just seemed off. Although I had asked him about twenty times what was wrong, he lied and said nothing.

How did I know he was lying?

Well after knowing someone for ten years, you start to pick up on every little detail, and can guess pretty much anything going on with them. This was one of these moments, when I just knew something was wrong.

"Seriously Devon, what's up with you today? You've been so...distant." I asked.

He let out an agitated sigh. "How many times do I have to tell you nothing is wrong. Thanks for asking Kris, but I'm fine." He then snapped.

"Whoa! Hold your freaking horses. Don't talk to me like that." I stepped in front of him. We had reached his car door on the drivers side. Blocking his access to it. "Second. How many times do I have to tell you that I don't buy that petty excuse. So you are going to tell me what the fudge is going on."

"I'm sorry Kristen. I'm just feeling a little sick. That's all."

I don't buy that either.

"Still don't believe it. But imma back off...for now. Don't say I didn't try."

I stepped away and went over to the passenger side. We both stepped into the car and buckled up.

Neither of us uttered a word the whole ride. We just sat there, the radio silenced along with us. Every now and then, I saw him look over to me, then look away. I just scoffed. Right now, he was making me angry. I have known him since I was seven, and he still felt that he couldn't speak to me. Wow.

He eventually pulled up to my house. I was about to just walk away and ignore him, but what use would that be?

"Dev, you know I am just worried about you. Whatever it is you are going through, you do know you can always talk to me. I am here for you. I have been since first grade, and I will be till death do us part. Please, just don't shut me out." I reached over and placed a kiss on his cheek.

Getting out of the car, I grabbed my bag. Just before I closed the door I leaned in. "Even if you're being a jerk right now, and still not saying a thing. Know I still love you jackass."

I closed the door, and immediately, he drove off.

I definitely have to call him later.

I walked into my house and called out to see if anyone was home...Nobody. Normally Dev would stay over and we would hang out or do homework, but he obviously wasn't in the mood.

I made my way to the kitchen. Going straight to the fridge. Opening it, I saw one last can of Sprite®. I grabbed it and then found some Pringles® to add to it.

I didn't have least not that I know of. So that meant one thing.


I sat in the couch. Those one few moments I actually needed my phone. I realized I didn't have it at the moment. Great.

So there goes my Chrome casting. I would have to find Netflix on my TV...which I didn't know how to do. Yeah I was born in the age of technology, but that doesn't mean I have to be good with using it.

After about thirty minutes of clicking around, I found it and decided to watch the show Heroes.

"Go Hiro!" I screamed out while on my seventh episode of the day. That was when I remembered I needed to call that boy that happens to be my best friend.

I grabbed my home phone and dialed his number. It rang a first time. Then a second. Then a third. I tried three more times. By my fourth time calling, I was sent straight to voicemail.

Now he is rejecting my calls?

I was officially freaking out. He never acted like this. I would go over to his house, but he lived and hour away walking, I didn't have a car, and it was almost ten at night.

I'll get on his case tomorrow.

Just as I was going down the hall to my room, the front door opened. Then through it, my father walked in.

"Dad!" I ran up and hugged him. "You're off early today."

"Yeah. I thought I'd make it home in time to see you before you went to bed."

"I was just going to." He looks a little sad after I said that. "But that can wait. What do you want to do?"

"That mint chocolate chip ice cream in the freezer is just calling my name." He replied with a grin.

"You hear it too?"

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