Chapter 18

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"You may kiss the bride!" The priest said and Liam kissed me and I smiled against his warm lips and then we let go and we walked down the aisle where our family and friends cheered.

So we decided to have a private wedding in the Kingston's backyard because they had a koi pond and all that stuff and Kate decorated the place and set everything up. All we had to do was get my dress and my bride's maids dresses and the boys' ties.

"Hi husband." I said and he smiled at me.

"Hello wife." Liam said as he extended the hello part and he pecked my lips as we kept walking and the camera kept recording us.

We hired people to record us and make a wedding video for us and I'm so excited because they know my mom and they're doing it for only $90.
"Alright, let's give a hand for the new couple!" The MC shouted and they all clapped and we came out of the house and everyone clapped for us and we both smiled and waved and made it down the stairs.

The rest of the night we partied and ate food! It was a wedding that was amazing and I got to be with the people I loved.

"Now it's time for the father daughter dance and the mother son dance." MC Ross announced and my dad took my hand and led me to the dance floor and Liam led Kate to the floor as well.

We danced all together and my dad kissed my cheek and I hugged him and he hugged me back and then shook hands with Liam and Kate hugged me then went to the table with my dad.

"Now let's get this party started everyone!" Ross shouted and everyone cheered and we all went to the dance floor.

I danced around with Mason and my mom and Ross came and danced with me too. I was really happy I got to be around my family and my friends on this day.

"Aunt Julianne!" I screamed and ran over towards her and hugged her and my uncle Brooks.

"Hi Gianna, congratulations!" The twins said at the same time and I smiled and hugged them.

"Thank you Ariana and Shawn, go and have fun!" I said and sent them off.

Ariana and Shawn are my 4 year old cousins. Julianne and Brooks weren't able to make the ceremony because of flight difficulties from NYC. But I'm glad they're here for our after party.

"Congrats Gianna, I'm so sorry we missed the ceremony the stupid plane got delayed by a day! I was ready to kill those airplane people!" Brooks said and I smiled and hugged them.

"I'm glad you're here right now, have fun I have to go and cut the cake." I said and they nodded and I wobbled towards the cake in my stupid heels.

"Now it's time to cut the cake! Everyone gather around and take out your cameras." Ross said and I rolled my eyes. I knew it was a terrible idea to put him as MC but he's enjoying it and Liam is too so I guess I'm happy too.

We sliced the cake together and we did a couple shot with the cake and then with the champagne. I put some icing on his nose and he smiled and I kissed him again and I smiled against his lips.

"Everyone grab a slice!" Ross said and darted for the cake and we moved out of the way.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too." Liam said and kissed me and I put my arms around his neck and the camera twirled around us and I knew the video was going to be great.
"Mexico is so nice..." I said on the balcony and he nodded in agreement with his head on my shoulder and his hands wrapped around my waist as we watched the sunset.

"But it's not as pretty as you are." Liam said and I smiled and kissed him.

My phone buzzed and it was from Jake the head camera man of the crew at our wedding.

"I think our video is here." I said and he nodded and I opened up my texts and I played the video.

The video played and it started off with a few shots of the backyard and the decorations. It played on to us getting ready and I was already starting to cry. Then it showed everyone walking down the aisle and then it showed the ceremony and the after party romantic scenes and then it said:
Gianna Kingston and Liam Kingston 2015

I smiled and kissed him and I sighed at the view and he picked me up bridal style and took me into the room. We had a few snacks and a few drinks and it got romantic and I think you know what happened...

I woke up the next morning and I kissed Liam's cheek and went to go take a shower after I did that I ordered breakfast for the two of us as I was uploading the wedding video to YouTube I felt a soft and heart melting kiss on my cheek.

"Good morning wife." Liam said and I got up off the chair and hugged him and pecked his lips.

"Good morning husband, it's weird to say that..." I said and he chuckled and kissed my cheek.

"Your so cute and hot at the same time." Liam said and I giggled.

"I can't believe it's already been a week. We leave tomorrow to go back to LA." I said and he frowned and I did too.

"Actually change of plans." Liam said and I looked at him confused and he smirked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"My grandparents gave me this for us to use after our honeymoon." Liam said and held up 2 plane tickets and I looked at them to see it said Australia and I jumped up and down in excitement and hugged him.

"We're not going back to LA?!" I asked and he nodded and I hugged him in delight.

"We're going to Australia for 5 days and then New Zealand for 3 days." Liam said and I smiled and hugged him again.

"I can't believe we're going to Australia tomorrow!" I said and he laughed.

"Let's eat up and go explore the rest of Mexico and get presents for our families and friends as thank you for coming to our wedding gifts." Liam said and I nodded and I couldn't stop smiling.

Hey guys! In 2 chapters it's going to be the end of The Babysitter! I know it's sudden but all good things come to an end. But there will not be a third book btw! I need to focus on another book and I need to create another sequel for my other book and I'm so sorry! The picture above is of the outfits that Gianna and Liam wore ignore the cute child! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Happy Reading! <3

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