Chapter 13

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"So Nick, how long are you in town for?" Amber asked as my mom set down some snacks on the coffee table.

"I'm staying for only a couple more days then I have to go back home to Anaheim for my family's Christmas I just wanted to visit Gianna before I went back." Nick said and I smiled.

"I wish I had a boyfriend..." Abby moped and we all just laughed.

"Nick!" I heard Mason yell and he picked him up and I smiled.

"Hey buddy, how's my favorite little guy doing?" Nick asked.

"Good I'm playing Mario Kart with Ross do you wanna come play with us?" Mason asked with big puppy dog eyes and Nick looked over to me.

"Go ahead, hangout with my brothers while your here." I said and they ran off to the hangout room.

"He's lucky to have your family as his future in-laws." Amber said to me and I smiled.

"I'm lucky to have his family, they're so nice and kind to me and they support my dance and acting career." I explained and they looked at each other.

"Gianna, we still ship you and Liam..." Abby said and I spit my water out.

What did they just say to me?

"What?!" I asked and they just shrugged.

"We like Nick but it feels like there's no connection between you and Nick." Amber said.

"Nick's a nice guy and all I just think we misunderstood Liam." Abby said.

"I'm perfectly happy dating Nick and I don't have feelings for Liam anymore." I said as I stood up.

"Gianna, we just want you to have the best because your our best friend." Amber said and I sighed.

"Nick and my family get along great and I don't think that's the same for Liam's family." I said as I walked into the kitchen as my best friends followed me.

Jax sued my dad because he thought Ross vandalized his property but he didn't. Ross isn't that type of guy. My dad and Jax don't get along very well and my mom and Kate get along fine but not Jax and my dad. Ross and Jax don't get along so well either because of the whole incident. Let's just say no one in my household likes Jax or Liam.

"Hi mama B." My friends chirped and I rolled my eyes.

"Did you really tell her when her boyfriend got here?" My mom asked as she chopped up some cucumbers.

"You knew mom?" I asked and she sighed and set down her knife.

"I'm happy when your happy so if you stay with Nick and your happy everyone will be happy and if you end up with Liam and your happy then we'll be happy for you. We're happy if all 3 of you are happy with who your with." My mom said.

"Thanks mama B!" Amber said.

"I was talking about my 3 children but I'm happy if you guys like someone too." My mom said then went back to cutting the cucumbers and we laughed and Ambs just pouted.

"Mom I'm heading out to give Lexi her present. I'll be back in an hour before dinner!" I heard Ross yell.

"Okay, be careful out there. Tell Lexi and her family Merry Christmas from the whole family." My mom said and then I heard the front door shut.

Lexi is Ross's girlfriend and they're really cute. I love them together and I hope they stay together for a really long time.
"It's so pretty out here, I love it." I said as we walked on the beach.

"Nothing's prettier than you." Nick said and I blushed and kissed him on the lips and we had a make out session for a bit then I broke it off and we kept walking.

"You look so handsome tonight." I said and he smiled and I kissed his cheek.

"I can't believe tomorrow's your last day here." I said with a frown and he gave me a tight smile.

"I'll see you on New Years in New York in a week." Nick said and I smiled and we kept walking.

"The stars are so stunning and shimmery tonight." I said as I admired the sky.

"Let's get back home before it gets late and your dad kills me." Nick said and I chuckled.

"I would never let that happen." I said and kissed him and we walked to the beach parking lot.

We got home and Nick led me to our backyard to a cute outdoor theater! The trees were decorated with fairy lights and lanterns. There were some comfy looking couches and pillows scattered everywhere, bowls of popcorn everywhere and drinks on the little side tables. There was a projector that was planning on playing Inside Out.

"This is so cute! I can't even right now!" I said as we walked hand and hand to the set up and my family and friends greeted us and we sat down on the couch.

"Alright, we're going to start playing the movie now so I'm going to pass out blankets because it's a bit chilly." My mom said and she passed out blankets and I grabbed one and put it over Nick and I's legs and he put his arm around me and kissed my forehead.

My dad, mom, and Mason were on one couch, Abby and Amber were on the floor sitting on a blanket, Lexi and Ross were on the ground with a blanket under them and I liked that Ross was so happy with her.

"Okay, is everyone comfortable now cause I'm starting the movie." My dad said and we looked around.

"Wait I need more soda and I need a potty break!" Ross yelled and sprinted towards the house and my mom passed Lexi the soda bottle and she poured it into the cup and set it on the table.

"How long does potty break take?" I asked after like 10 minutes of waiting.

"Okay I'm back, it was kind of a personal potty break." Ross said and we all said 'ew' in disgust at the same time.

Hey cookies I hope you like this chapter and I know it's Christmas time in the book but it's Cali so it's not cold and snowing. The picture above is of the outdoor theater and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Happy Reading! <3

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