Chapter 8

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Emma's POV
I wake up to someone knocking on my door I groan and stand up to see who it is. When I open the door I see is baelfire and Henry " lads what the hell what time is it " I say and look at them seriously " well mom is 8 in the morning and we have to go to meet my dad and then can we go talk to hook " bae says I nod " give me a second" I say and go back to my room and poof myself in a outfit that is my red leather jacket , my jeans, a white tank top and black combat boots my hair cascades down on my back I go out and the kids are waiting for me " let's go " I tell them and we make our way to rumples pawn shop.
Minutes after
"Lads please stay outside until I tell you or come looking for you guys do I make myself clear" they nod. I enter rumples shop " hey rumple are you here " I call and belle comes out " hey Emma what's wrong ?" " hello belle I need to talk to rumple is important " I say and she goes to the back part and call rumple " hello ms swan is something wrong?" Rumple comes out " nothing wrong rumple I wanted you to see something" I say and make my way to the door I wave for them to come in " rumple I want you to meet someone bae please come forward " I say and rumples eyes fill with tears " hello my name is baelfire swan " bae says " I know bae you have grown so much " rumple says and hugs him bae doesn't hug back " I know rumple thank you but now I have to go with my mom to do something's " bae says and rumples face falls " mom can we go now " bae says and looks at me I nod because I know he is not comfortable " sure lad let's go " I say and say goodbye to rumple and belle and we go to the docks.
At the docks
Hooks POV
I see Emma, baelfire and another lad I don't know " hook !!" Bae says and runs and embraces me I obviously hug back " hey lad what's up?" I question " well hook I was wondering if you could take us sailing all of us " he says and I look towards Emma " was this your idea swan " I say and she shrugs " the lad over there wanted to so I didn't object but I said we had to ask you first " Emma says " sure thing swan we can go right now because is early if you guys want to"Emma looks at bae and then the other lad and nods " thank you mom !" Both of the kids say at the same time Emma and I chuckle " who are you kid ?" " well hook this is my son Henry " Emma says I'm shocked she has a son " I'll tell you about him on our trip " she says I nod and bae and Henry go up to the deck of the ship " killian please don't get mad when I tell you about Henry " Emma says " I promise Emma I won't get mad " I say and she nods and goes up to the lads. I undock the ship and baelfire comes up to me " now that we are away from land killian would you mind if we have a sparing I want to practice and Henry doesn't know yet so can we have a friendly duel captian " bae says and looks set me waiting for a answer " sure thing lad, Emma love can you please take the wheel while I have a duel with bae" I say looking at Emma " sure thing killian, Henry come here killian do you mind if I teach Henry how to sail while you guys fight?" Emma asks " no problem love teach the young lad while we fight " " thanks " she says and smirks I go towards bae and he asks " do you like my mom?" I'm taken aback by his question "I don't know lad maybe a little." I answer him and look towards Emma teaching Henry to sail " well if you do say something she likes you too by the way she looks at you and it would be fun for me and Henry to have you around like a father figure" bae says and I smile and hug him " no promises lad about telling Emma but the father figure  I will be there for you guys no matter what" I say and we break the hug and start fighting.
30 minutes later
Emma's POV
I'm done teaching Henry how to sail he is a natural it doesn't surprise me he has the sea in his blood I look towards bae and killian and i see bae with a few cuts as well as killian " ok guys please break it up I need to talk to killian alone for a few minutes" I call loud enough for them to hear " sure thing mom" bae says and turns to killian " this is not over yet " he says in a deep voice and I laugh I taught him well " love come on are you going to stay there lost on your thoughts or talk to me " killian says and raises a brow I laugh again and walk up to him " let's go to your cabin we need to talk in private " I say in a whisper he nods and I walk to his cabin I know the ship,like the back of my hand.
On the captains quarter
Killian and I are down here " so love what did you want to talk about " " well you wanted to know about Henry " " yes love I wanted to know who his father is " killian says " don't get mad please " he nods and grabs my hand " I promised you I won't " " alright killian Henry's father was your brother Liam he was also my true love that's how I woke up from the sleeping curse " I tell him he looks taken aback " I knew it " he says with happiness in his voice " what did you knew killian ?" I ask a little puzzle " that he was Liam's kid he looks like him and has his temper " he says I laugh " so you want to meet your nephew I know Henry takes you like a father figure as well as baelfire please be that for them I care about them to much that if something were to happen to me I want you to take them in as your own " I say with seriousness in my voice " I'll do anything Emma you know it " he comes close to me and pulls me in and kisses me I kiss back I don't know why but it feels good I bring my arms around his neck and he puts his hand and hook on my back and I pull away breathless " Emma I like you would you please give me a chance " killian says " I will killian but we can't say anything yet or act like it on public until we clear your name with the people until then we have to like hate each other and then start becoming like friends in front of them and then you know " he nods and kisses me again and then we go up " at least tell the lads " killian says I nod and go up to Henry and bae that are by the helm " hey lads " " hey mom " they both say at the same time and they chuckle " so me and hook are kinda of a thing and I wanted to tell you guys " they look at each other than me " we are cool mom he is like a dad to us so we like that you guys are together which means we can spend more time with him " bae says and Henry nods " thanks lads now who wants to sword fight a little " I say and they yell " me!!!!" Killian and I laugh and they do too " Henry did you bring your sword?" I question  he shakes his head, I turn around and wave my hand and Henry's sword appears " here you go laddie " I say " mom the only one allow to call me laddie is baelfire " he says " alright kid have your sword and tie it around your waist " " with what?" He asks " look down " I say and he looks at his waist and looks surprised " like it lad " I say because I made him a waist band to put his sword on is a golden and black design waist band " I love it mom thank you " he says and goes to the deck " baelfire let's finish what we started while your mom teaches Henry how to sword fight " killian says and bae goes to him " ready killian " bae says and smirks " ready lad" killian replies and raises and eyebrow, they fight and I teach Henry how to hold his sword perfectly and a few moves he picks up fast and then we start fighting he is good I gave him a few cuts but not to many " mom lets change " bae says and I nod " lad go to killian and bae you come to fight with me " I say and they switch " alright bae lets go " he makes the first move and we fight for a long time I disarm him and we both have cuts on us he is a good fighter " nice job kid make sure you hold your sword tight so I don't get hold of it again" I say and give him his sword back " Emma love let's change to come and fight me while the lads fight themselves " killian says and I nod we fight and we both get more cuts than we wanted too " nice job captian" I say and smirk " same to you love " he says and i take my cue to disarm him and I drop him to the floor " nice move love " he says and looks at me but then moves his leg and makes me fall on my back " truce" I say and he stands up and holds his hand out for me to take it "nice job" we both say at the same time and we realize is late " we better head back killian it's getting late" I say and he looks at the sun position and nods and heads to the helm but stops right before the wheel " hey lads want to steer" he says to Henry and bae and they nod and run to the wheel and takes us back to shore " thanks killian " I say as he comes to me and puts an arm around me and smirks kissing the top of my head.
A couple of hours later
We make it to land and we anchor and the lads say " thank you so much dad " both of them say and me and killian are lost of words " I'm sorry we didn't mean to" Henry says " no is alright lads you can call me like that whenever you want " killian says and they come over for a hug and we all join. " see you later killian" I say and he replies " see you later love and lads "" bye dad" Henry and bae say " bye killian" i go up and kiss him and I'm on my way. We get home and the lights are off " well lads looks like is time to go to bed I'll see you guys tomorrow " I say to them and go to my room and think of the amazing day I spend with my family and end up falling asleep with a smile on my face.

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