Proposal Analysis

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Proposal Analysis

Chapter 21

Jesse's POV

2 weeks later...

   We're coming down to the wire on this one month break. Becca and I only have one more week before she prepares to go on tour and start directing my films. That is why I plan on proposing to her... tomorrow. 

  You see, I've had it planned out for three months now, but just haven't found the right time to do it. Between all of the drama that has gone in our relationship, I had to push the idea of marriage out of my mind. Now that Becca and I are stronger than ever, I see  no reason to delay the proposal.

  The proposal is going to involve a flashmob starring both the Bellas and a special reunion of the Treblemakers. Bumper was hesitant at first, but he managed to convince the rest of the guys to participate. The flashmob is going to occur at the Hard Rock Cafe on Sunset Boulevard. It's Becca's favorite place to eat when she's in town.

  I've been having rehearsals twice a week to see that everything will run smoothly. I want it to be so amazing that it will literally take Becca's breath away.

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary

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