Pressing For Answers

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Pressing For Answers

Chapter 10

Becca's POV

The next day...

   The girls and I are sitting in the town square waiting to face interview number one today. Our interviewer is a thirty year old girl named Holly Hollison. Interesting name right haha. I thought so too. Anyways, she comes up to us with a bright eyed smile that screams "Oh my gosh I'm so excited for this." Meanwhile, a few hundred fans showed up to stand behind the barriers hoping to get some autographs and photos. We're going to make sure we get to as many of them as we can after the interview. 

  We take our seats and begin the interview. The first question is directed to Stacey, which is "If you could pick one song off the new album that you want to perform live first, what would it be?" She laughs. "That's a simple one. I would hands down have to say Daydreaming. It's a cute little song with a positive message behind it." "That's lovely Stacey. Now the next question is for Fat Amy. Fat Amy, do you plan on breaking dancing on tour?" She gets up out of her seat and demonstrates a few of her fabulous moves and then swerves afterwards. "Is that proof enough for you Holly?" She laughs. "It certainly is. Now the final question is for Becca."

  I gulp, praying that is isn't abut Jesse and I. Let's face it, it probably is. "Becca, how are you and Jesse doing? I know being on the go constantly means you and him don't get to spend much time together." I fake a smile. "We're doing okay. We've had a few bumps along the way lately, but we've gotten through them. It's hard being away from him for so long, but I have my girls to fill the void." "Amen to that sister. Anyways, thank you girls for coming today and good luck on tour. Say goodbye to the camera." We all wave and that's the end of the interview. It was surprisingly shorter than I thought it was going to be.

  Before we leave, we run up and down the barriers taking selfies and signing things for as many fans as we can. We'd do anything for the fans. They mean the world to us and are the ones who got us to where we are to do. I don't know what we'd do without them.

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! The next two will be written by Martina. :) -Mary

The Way To The Top: A Jeca/Pitch Perfect Fanfic (Collab with Martina)Where stories live. Discover now