Blessing In Disguise

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Blessing In Disguise

Chapter 19

 The next day... 

  Jesse and I meet the girls at our house. They exchange hugs with both of us and tell us how glad they are they both of us are okay. Chloe even slapped Jesse demanding him not to try to commit suicide ever again. He reassures her several times that he promises not to.

   As for me, I'm happy to be home. I have a month off performing, doing meet and greets, and such. I get to finally be normally for a little while. Everyone needs to be normal every now and then for two reasons. One, to have some relaxation time and two, to remember what life was like before you truly became successful. 

   Jesse is pretty happy about it as well. He's made all of these amazing plans for us for different dates. Everything from the movies to having dinner on Sunset Boulevard. Not only is this a blessing for me, but I can tell it's a blessing for him as well.

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter. It's just a filler chapter, but still. :) -Mary

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