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Chapter 5

Becca's POV

   We get off the bus, which marks our arrival in Chicago. I've only been to Chicago, but I never got to explore it. I've heard that the food here is amazing, especially the pizza. Jesse is my number one bae, but pizza comes in a close second. Sometimes, I even make Jesse with pizza because I just love it that much. 

   We make our way to the hotel around the corner and get what it has inside the hotel, an Unos Pizzeria. My day has been made. I'm going to change, freshen up, and get some pizza for supper. I deserve a good pizza.

  I make my way over to the rest of the girls and shout "PIZZA, PIZZA, PIZZA FOR SUPPER AT UNOs!" The girls all jump up and down. That's an indicator that they agree that pizza is a fabulous choice for supper. They have to thank for that. I have this sixth sense where I can see pizza places from miles away. Yay Becca!

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! I'm sorry it's so short, but it's basically just a filler chapter! :) -Mary

The Way To The Top: A Jeca/Pitch Perfect Fanfic (Collab with Martina)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ