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Chapter 12

Becca's POV

  I honestly don't know if Jesse and I are going to last. Jesse and I have fought before, but it's never been this bad. Both of us look and feel horrible. I wanted to run into his arms so badly, but I knew better than to do it until I know where we stand. If I had a time machine to go back to a few days ago, I would in a heartbeat.

Chloe's POV

   It kills me to see Becca in so much pain. I haven't seen her this sad since her cousin Carla passed away three years ago. Becca's normally an optimistic and somewhat sarcastic person. She hasn't been sarcastic to me all week. That's saying a lot. 

  I truly wish there was something that I could do to cheer her, but nothing seems to work. I've suggested everything from going shopping to rollerskating and pizza. I didn't get a single verbal response. She just shrugs everything off and crawls into bed. When she's not in bed, she's got her headphones on and mixing different tracks on her computer. 

  I think I'm going to have the other Bellas help me come up with a plan to get her out of the house. Even if it means having to trick Becca a bit, it needs to be done. She can't close herself off from the rest of the world forever. 

  Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary

The Way To The Top: A Jeca/Pitch Perfect Fanfic (Collab with Martina)Where stories live. Discover now