Take A Leap and Fly

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Take A Leap And Fly

Chapter 20

A week later...

Jesse's POV

  It's been a week since Becca's time off started and things have never been better for us. We've spent every waking minute together so far. Sure we get on each other's nerves here and there, but at the end of the day, you can tell that we really do love one another. 

  Before the break, I only saw Becca once a month if I was lucky. To be able to hold her in my arms each and everyday is a gift. I wish I could have her stay in them forever, but her and I have to get back to our careers as some point. 

   I have a couple of major films to start directing. That's right, directing. On top of film writing, Sony hired me to direct some blockbuster films. I haven't told Becca yet, but I know that she'll be happy for me. This is one of the biggest opportunities I've gotten in the past five years. I'm ready to take a leap and fly, just not off of a cliff of course.

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary

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