Too Far : Sterek

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(Stiles' POV)

Why does he always have to be so rude? I mean frankly, I think it's because he gets some sort of weird satisfaction out of being a complete asshole. Derek has always been like that. I've never really been able to tell whether he actually thinks of me as part of the pack, or if he thinks I'm just the water boy. Of all the times I have single-handedly saved his life, I would hope that I'm more than that to him. But, if I have to be honest.. there's always been a certain.. 'tension' between us. I don't know if he can sense that with his sour-wolf powers, but I certainly can. Whenever we are alone with each other we end up exchanging all of these intense stares, him more than me, but that's besides the point.

My bedroom door flew open, snapping me out of my thoughts. I whipped my head to see an incredibly pissed off Derek storming in.

"I'm going to fucking kill you."

Shit. What did I do? "What the fuck. Why?" I immediately questioned.

"Why were you with Theo last night?" he asked, grabbing the end of my bed tightly. How did he know that?

"Stiles." he spit, eyes glowing blue. He rushed over to my bedside and pulled me to my feet by my shirt. "Why were you with him?"

"He was giving me information."

"On what?" His face was so close to mine that I knew he could sense my fear.


"Why are you needing information on me?"He said, shaking me slightly.

"Theo saw you kill that girl, Derek." I say, looking at the ground.

"I didn't kill anyone. If I do it's probably going to be you!" He yelled, pushing me away. "All you ever done for us is go crazy with all of your idiotic rambling and fucked up conspiracy theories. You're useless."

"You know for a fact that all of you would be dead without me!"

"Oh really?" he spoke, walking towards me. His hand slipped around my throat and he pushed me against the wall. "I'm pretty sure we'd be fine without you."

I was slowly gasping for air as I felt my feet lift off of the ground. His teeth bore through, and his eyes were glowing bright. I could feel his claws scraping lightly against my bare skin. He snarled, as I gasped for my last breath. The next thing that I saw was black.


"Stiles!" I heard a voice scream.


"Stiles.. wake up."

My eyes fluttered open. The light exposure blinded me, but I was soon able to make out shapes and colors. I think I'm in my room... I see someone. I think- I - I think that it's Derek.  I quickly scurry back against the wall. I raise my arm and block my face. He's going to hurt me. He didn't succeed the first time, so now he's going to finish the job.  My breathing quickened as he came closer, huddling over me. His hand tightly gripped onto my wrist, and pulled it from my face. He was inches away, but anger was only slightly in his expression.

 His face inched in closer, and his hot breath slammed against my lips. He stared so deep into my eyes that I'm surprised that his gaze alone didn't end me. He clutched the back of my neck, pulling my lips to his. It was soft, but eager all at the same time. Confusion has never tasted so sweet. I felt the adrenaline rushing through my body, straight to my fingertips. I grabbed his body and pulled it closer to mine.

I could feel my heart instantly jump from my chest. My pulse started to race faster and faster. It felt like every pore on my body was squirming with excitement. The hair on the back of my neck stood straight up.

That's when I felt the bite. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2020 ⏰

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