Chapter 9: Cosmic Saviours vs Bug Defence Force

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For Hiyama's deck I have units that I made myself so if you see this (*) at the end of a units name that means its a card I made so with that little info out of the way, enjoy the chapter ^_^.

"Stand up vanguard" Hikaru yelled

"Stand up ultimate vanguard" Hiyama yelled

"Composed Seeker, Lucius (5000)" Hikaru revealed

A young blue haired boy with a white, silver armoured shirt with armoured pants, holding a double bladed spear with a red torn ribbon tied near the top blade and the other arm incased in a silver gauntlet with a red scarf rewrapped around the hand appeared behind Hikaru.

"Machining Mini Scarab* (5000)" Hiyama revealed

A small golden armoured beetle with silver daggers and wearing a wreath on his head appeared behind Hiyama.

"I've never seen that starter for Megacolony" Hikaru stated

"It's one of the few cards that only I possess" Hiyama said confidently

'Great so now I have to deal with cards I don't know about' Hikaru thought

"I'll take the first turn, draw" Hiyama stated

"I ride Machining Hornet (7000), then Mini Scarab moves to the rearguard (5000)" Hiyama announced

The golden scarab moved to another area and was replaced by a red armoured humanoid hornet with two white wings, a jet for legs and two giant, red, 3 bladed claws for hands.

"With that I end my turn" Hiyama said

Hiyama - Hikaru

5 - Hand - 5

0 - Damage - 0

0 - Soul - 0

0 - Drop Zone - 0

0 - Bind Zone - 0

0 - Counterblast - 0

empty, empty - empty, empty

Machining Hornet, empty - Composed Seeker, Lucius, empty

empty, Machining Mini Scarab - empty, empty

"My turn I draw" Hikaru stated

"I ride Seeker, Rune Eagle (6000), Lucius moves back (5000)" Hikaru announced

The blue haired boy moved back and a brown eagle wearing blue armour, green feathers at the tip of its wings and tail with laser cannons under the wings took its place.

"I call Honest Seeker, Cynric (7000)" Hikaru stated

A grey haired man wearing a silver armour with blue lining holding a crossbow to match its armour with a dark blue cape and a helmet to match the armour appeared.

"I attack your vanguard with Cynric and his skill he gets 3000 power (10000)" Hikaru declared

"I don't guard" Hiyama decided

The grey haired man fired off an energy arrow from his cross bow at the red armoured humanoid hornet harming it.

"Damage check (Machining Papillio - No Trigger)" Hiyama revealed

"With a boost from Lucius, Rune Eagle attacks (11000)" Hikaru declared

"I don't guard" Hiyama decided

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