Chapter 29: Severed Bond!? Legends of History vs Mystical Protectors Part 2

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"The magician with powerful arts, calls upon his friend with magic might to match his own in order to protect, Seek Your Mate!" Kurai stated

4 cards flew out of Kurai's drop zone and returned to the deck then a light surrounded his deck and scanned through it, then a card flew out from the deck.

"The magician of forbidden arts and black magic unite as one to protect all that is mystical, Magician of Black Magic, Shada, Legion!" Kurai announced

A second brown haired man wearing a dark purple wizard cloak with mystic symbols etched across the outfit and holding a large wooden staff with a large green orb at the top appeared by the black haired males side as the crossed weapons preparing for battle.

"By the end of this'll be out of my life for good Kiniro!" Kurai exclaimed


"Now I use my vanguards legion skill" Kurai said with a grim tone as he turned two cards face down from the damage zone "Your partner Clockwork and your Master Dragon will fall under the curse of my hex" he continued as purple chains had risen from the ground beneath the timelord and white dragon as they were ensnared

'This is his decks strategy. I better be careful' Kiniro thought as he watched Kurai prepare for his assault "My Kamlocks effect, he moves to the soul and your Hourgal shall be ensnared as well" Kurai explained as the same thing as before would happen to the small dog weighing it down

"Now then time to show you my fury. Shada, Tsukikage, Legion attack! (20000)" Kurai declared "I guard with Legacy Hero Healer, Doreen and Legacy Hero, Fast Forward Swordsman! (31000)" Kiniro countered as he placed down his guardians

"Tch, seems you had a decent defence left but it won't stop me. Twin Drive (Black Magic Dracokid - Critical Trigger) A critical, the effects will go to Shada. My second check (Enchantment Warlock, Drake - No Trigger)" Kurai revealed

"I survived his attack" Kiniro celebrated with a grin as this would remind Kurai of their first fight making him grip his fist "You're not through this yet! Shada attacks and with his effect since one of your units is hexed he gets 3000! (17000)" Kurai declared

"I guard that with Legacy Hero, Rewind Tiger! (21000)" Kiniro countered

"I'll...end my turn there" Kurai stated

Kurai - Kiniro

7 - Hand - 3

3 - Damage - 3

3 - Soul - 2

1 - Drop Zone - 4

0 - Bind Zone - 0

2 - Counterblast - 0

Magician of Black Magic, Shada, empty - Legacy Hero, Master Dragon (Hexed), Legacy Hero, Hourgal (Hexed)

Magician of Forbidden Arts, Mystic Tsukikage/Magician of Black Magic, Shada, empty - Future Generation Legacy Hero, Master Clockwork (Hexed), empty

empty, empty - empty, empty

"It's my turn Kurai! Stand and draw!" Kiniro exclaimed as he drew his card and he glanced to it smiling as he looked back to Kurai "Time for me to follow up with my bond" he said referring to the legion as he hovered his hand over Clockworks card

"The master of time from the far future, calls on his former self to bring about peace, Seek the Mate!"

4 cards flew out of Kiniro's drop zone and returned to the deck then a light surrounded his deck and scanned through it, then a card flew out from the deck.

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