Chapter 5: Yudai and Izo, Test 1: Shining Quasar vs Rogue Enforcers V2 (1)

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"Yudai, Izo" Kiniro said in shock

"Do you know these two Kin" Hedeyoshi asked

"Yeah Hede, I met them during a little trip during our quest" Kiniro answered

"Well looks like we should introduce ourselves Yudai" The brown haired boy said

"You're right Izo, my name is Yudai Matsuro its nice to meet you two" Yudai said introducing himself

"Hello Yudai" Hedeyoshi and Hikaru greeted in unison

"My name is Izo Hiiro" Izo said introducing himself

"Hello Izo" Hedeyoshi and Hikaru greeted in unison

"Well, I'm Hikaru Akira nice to meet you two" Hikaru introduced

"Yo" Izo greeted

"Hey Hikaru" Yudai greeted

"And this is my good friend Hedeyoshi Tamagura" Kiniro said pointing towards Hedeyoshi

"Nice to meet you Hedeyoshi" Yudai greeted

"Just call me Hede" Hedeyoshi stated

"Sure Hede" Yudai replied

"Now that we're done with introductions I have a question" Hedeyoshi asked

"Sure what is it" Yudai replied

"Can we trust you" Hedeyoshi asked

"Hede, you don't need to worry about him or Izo like Clockwork said he brought them here to help and I've seen them fight they will definitely be able to help" Kiniro said trying to convince Hedeyoshi

"Well I'm still not sure, we should fight to see if they really can handle this" Hedeyoshi suggested

"If you really need to it would be fun" Yudai said with a smile on his face

"So who will I be fighting for this test" Izo asked

"I'll fight you" Hikaru volunteered

"Are you sure Hikaru" Kiniro asked

"Yeah, it will be a great opportunity to test out the seeker deck I built with Hede's cards" Hikaru answered

"Sounds good" Izo replied

"I'll battle you Yudai" Hedeyoshi stated

"Alright, lets have a good battle" Yudai said joyfully

"Lets go to Card Capital" Hikaru suggested

"Sure" Everyone replied

~Card Capital~

"Hmm, no ones here today, even Shin is missing" Hikaru said

"Knowing Kai he's out on his search somewhere" Kiniro said

"Anyway lets head to the fight tables" Hedeyoshi stated

"So this is the Card Capital from back in the day with players like Aichi Sendou, cool" Yudai said as he headed to the fight tables

Hedeyoshi and Yudai started things off, they set up their starting vanguard and drew their hands and after re-drawing some cards they began the match.

"Stand up vanguard" Both fighters yelled

"Rogue Gunner, Arsenal Kid (5000)" Hedeyoshi revealed

Hedeyoshi's spirit became a young orange haired boy with a mechanic uniform covered in dust holding a machine gun and a wrench.

"Freezing Astronomer, Absolute Zero (4000)" Yudai revealed

Yudai's spirit became a young silver haired boy wearing a white spacesuit without its helmet with a crest that has planets with two rings orbiting them, holding a blue rapier coated in ice and a steel shield on his arm.

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