Chapter 4: The Cinque Defenders, New Friends

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After the fight with Nagito in pain, Kiniro headed to Card Capital to meet with Hikaru and Hedeyoshi to tell them what happened.

~Outside Card Capital~

"Ouch, man that battle took a bigger toll on me then I thought, worst part is its not the first time I've experience a fight fields damage" Kiniro said holding his arm from the pain

The doors opened and Kiniro saw Misaki and Kai in a card fight along with Naoki watching and Hedeyoshi and Hikaru at the back of the store.

"Kin" Kai said noticing Kiniro

"Hey Kai, Misaki, Naoki" Kiniro said putting on a fake smile

"Oh Kin, whats wrong you look hurt" Naoki asked noticing Kiniro holding his arm

"Uh, its nothing don't let me stop your game" Kiniro replied

'It looks like Naoki remembers, Kai must of reminded him of Aichi' Kiniro thought

After that Kiniro took a seat at the table Hedeyoshi and Hikaru were sitting.

"Kin give us the facts, what happened does it have something to do with Shade" Hedeyoshi asked not buying his act earlier

"Yeah, it was Nagito he approached me and we fought, I lost and experienced the fight field" Kiniro answered

"Seriously, did he say anything" Hedeyoshi asked

"Yeah" Kiniro answered

Kiniro explained to Hedeyoshi and Hikaru that Kurai left on his own rather then disappearing and how the only way to get him back is to beat the Cinque Defenders.

"So Shade left, why would he do that" Hikaru asked

"No clue but one things for sure I'm going to find out" Kiniro answered

"I'm more worried about who the Cinque Defenders are, by the sounds of it Nagito could be a member but who knows what the other members are capable of" Hedeyoshi stated

"Yeah, Nagito had this new skill that I never heard of before" Kiniro stated remembering the fight

"What was it Kin" Hedeyoshi asked

"Vanguard is fun?" Kai said in a somewhat questioning tone

Hearing that Kiniro and the others turned their attention to Kai and Misaki's match.

"You know, there was a time when I wanted to stop playing that kind of vanguard" Kai stated

"Sometimes I'd win, sometimes I'd lose...The outcomes were stacked up and I made progress together with my mate. But somewhere along the line I forgot how much fun Cardfighting was. As a result, I ended up hurting a lot of people...comrades. When I realised that...I made up my mind. For me, living meant hurting people. That being the case I would give up Vanguard. And if I couldn't do that, I would leave my comrades and live in solitude forever" Kai explained

'So he still hasn't forgiven himself for the incident with Link Joker' Kiniro thought

"But there was someone who faced me directly and accepted me as a mate" Kai continued

"Yeah! I know who!" Naoki interrupted

"Tokura, you should be able to remember. Remember him. He's in my heart. My eternal mate!" Kai stated

'Aichi.."Kiniro thought

"One ray of light, extending out into the despair of oblivion, The light is courage that connects me and my mate in the darkness. And its Legion!" Kai announced

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