Chapter EIGHT

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~-America's POV-~

Tony sat beside me, handing me burgers as well as munching on his own while my thumbs wrestled with the controls and the noise from the headphones blasted in my ears. "Dude! I totally blew that building up!" I shouted, pumping my fist as the warehouse in the game burned.

I glanced down at Tony and slid back my headphones. "Sorry, buddy. I didn't hear ya."

The alien sighed, handing me another big mac. "Of course you didn't. Anyway, doesn't Italy come back soon?" He asked.

A big grin spread on my lips. "Yup! Tomorrow morning!" I giddily shouted, replacing my headphones and continuing my game.

Not too long later, I thought I heard my front door, but I ignored it, thinking it was just in the game. Either that, or it was Tony, whom had gotten up and went down the hall of my apartment. Suddenly, two arms wrapped around my neck, trying not to interfere with my game. The arm nudged one side of my headphones back, and I felt their warmth breath on my ear. "I'm home." The soft accent purred.

I finished up the level in a split second and tossed the controller. "Welcome home!" I cheered, tossing my head back and pecking their lips, my headphones falling onto my shoulders in the process. "The Hero missed you!" I shouted, jumping over the back of the couch and tossing my arms around the smaller man.

Feliciano giggled, his arms around my shoulders. "I-a missed you, too!" He yelped out, being crushed in my hug. "Alfred! I-a can't breathe!" I breathed out an, 'oh,' and quickly released him, planting another kiss on his lips. "Sorry. I-a didn't call telling you I'd be early. Romano hides my phone in my suitcase whenever he packs it." He told me.

Chuckling, I rewrapped Feliciano in my arms, in a gentler hug. "Its OK. I'm glad you're early. I've never missed cuddling with someone so much!"

Italy squeaked when I squeezed him, then laughed. "Me too!"

~-Time skip-~

I lay, nestled between Feliciano's legs and my arms wrapped around his waist as I rested my head on his stomach. The Italian thread his fingers through my hair, careful to avoid Nantucket.

"You're-a really warm." He whispered, and I hummed. "I-a like it. It's-a comforting."

Chuckling, I shifted slightly. "Good. 'Cause I'm comfortable and don't feel like moving. The Hero needs a Hero's rest." I muttered, nuzzling my face in his abdomen. "You smell good."

Feliciano giggled, shifting as well.

"Can we-a tour your country? I'm-a kinda curious, and I've-a never gotten the chance to." Italy questioned, massaging America's shoulders and upper back. It's-a also more time to-a spend with you."

I looked up at him and grinned. "You don't even have to ask to tour my country! Anything you want, it's yours, amante!" I told him, nuzzling back into his abdomen.

I felt Feliciano freeze up. "Did you... Did you-a just speak Italian?" He squeaked and I squeezed his waist, nodding.

"Duh! I speak bits and pieces of each language!" I shouted, but it sounded muffled into the fabric of his shirt. "Everyone seems to forget my country is made up of different cultures and immigrants from nearly every other country."

Italy bit his lip, his cheeks red. "You-a really think of-a me as a lover?"

Laughing, I kissed his stomach. "I think of you more than just a lover."

~-Time skip-Two years later~

"That was a long-a meeting." The Italian muttered, feeling his boyfriends arms wrap around him from behind.

The american snickered, nuzzling his nose in the crook of Italy's neck. "Sorry, mi amante. I stopped to get this." He apologized as he ran the soft petals of a tulip across his Italian's cheek. "There's a whole bouquet on the counter in a vase.

Feliciano giggled, taking the flower and breathing in its scent. "Grazi, Alfred!" He sleepily thanked, placing the flower on the nightstand on his side of the bed.

Chuckling, Alfred took off his glasses and placed them on his nightstand. His fingers brushed over a velvety box, so he plucked it up. "I also got this. Quite a while ago, but I wanna give it to you now." He pressed his lips against the back of his lovers neck as he draped his arm back over the Italian's waist. He flipped the box open, hoping Italy would be able to see it in the dim moonlight.

Confused, the Italian opened his eyes to see a beautiful ring placed in a box in Alfred's hand. He gasped, wide awake as he sat up. "Alfred?" He muttered, tears in his eyes.

America smiled softly as he slid off the bed and crouched down onto one knee. "Feliciano Vargas... It took a lot to convince your brother that I could even ask you to do this... Will you marry me? Stay with me through anything and everything? Because I will, no matter what. I want to be by your side, Feli. And I want you to want to be by my side as well."

Italy wept, his hands covering his mouth. "S-si! Si, I-a will!" He cried, dropping his hands before tossing himself at Alfred, burying his face in the crook of his neck. "I-a want to be by your-a side!"

Gently, Alfred took Feliciano's hand and slid on the ring. "I love you." He whispered, pressing kisses to Feliciano's cheeks and lips. Feliciano laughed joyfully.

"Ti amo tonto, Alfred!"

An AmeIta Fanfic:: I Want You To Smile For Me...Where stories live. Discover now