~-America's POV-~
For three weeks, Feliciano and I kept the house clean, cared for the kitten and Hero, who is pretty much just another kitten, just twelve times their size, and riding Strider and Freedom every now and again. My boss and I had our meeting over the phone and he mailed me my papers because he knew I had Italy here. We also went grocery shopping a couple times.
This day, however, we were chilling out on the couch, snacking on random food and watching TV shows with the kittens, big and small alike, curled up on our laps.
"Ve~... This is-a way different then when I'm-a at Germany's house." Feliciano muttered, resting his head on my shoulder. "All we-a do is train and fight, make pasta and take siestas and hide from Germany and hide from mio fratello, and cuddle Germany's puppies." He listed off, and I chuckled.
"So I'm guessing this is a good difference, because I'm the Hero and much cooler than Germany." Italy giggled and nodded. We stayed like that for sometime, and the warm feeling I've been having the past three weeks bubbled within me. I just couldn't get enough of the feeling. I really enjoyed it. Almost just as much as I enjoyed Feliciano being here.
My phone vibrated in my pocket, and I shifted slightly to reach it. After I pulled it out, I read the text that popped up on my screen.
My plane just landed and I'm on my way. See you in two hours."Aw, shit!" I hissed under my breath, and the Italian glanced up at me. "England's on his way." I grumbled. "He'll be here in a few hours."
Italy pouted before sitting up. "I-a really don't want to-a see England. He's-a really scary." The aurburn haired Italian murmured, stroking Bizou's and Berta's soft fur.
I laughed and ruffled his hair, avoiding his curl. "Yup. Iggy is the scariest." I gently pushed Hero and Ace off my lap and attached before standing up. "Why do ya think I started the revolutionary war against him?" I gave the small Italian a wink.
Feliciano tilted his head, honey colored eyes still closed. "Because his cooking is-a nearly nuclear?" He cutely asked, and I burst into laughter.
I pat his head as I walked around the couch. "That too, Feli."
~-Time skip-~
"Welcome back, Arthur." I greeted, and bent down to kiss his cheek. The Brit gladly accepted the greeting with a smile. Once I moved out of the way to allow him in, his jaw dropped and emerald eyes widened.
"Bloody hell..." He gaped a moment longer before turning around. "Terribly sorry. I must've gotten the wrong house."
I laughed and pulled him back in. "No, you got the right house."
He raised his large brows at me, his gaze puzzled. "Are you sure? Because over a month ago, it was practically a dump site and smelled more like burgers rather than pasta and a field of tulips in Netherlands."
England looked down when the kittens, including Hero, pressed against his legs. "Well, who are these lovely darlings?" He asked, scooping up Berta.
I rubbed the orange kittens chin. "This one's Berta. The black one is Bizou and the white one is Ace." I told him. "And you know Hero." Hero meowed loudly, begging for the attention to be turned to himself. "Italy found the kittens while he had cleaned."
Arthur furrowed his brow. "What? Italy?" He glanced up at me, seemingly thoroughly puzzled. "You allowed Italy out of the basement?"
Signing heavily, I responded. "Yes. I let him out while I was at the conference, and he cleaned. I couldn't keep him locked in the basement, starving himself to death. I guess he cleaned my house as a thanks. Jeez, England. At least he didn't try escaping. Even if he did, ha! Good luck gettin' out of my U.S.A!" I cheered. "My government could find him easy!"

An AmeIta Fanfic:: I Want You To Smile For Me...
FanfictionItaly was kidnapped once again by the allies. America, however, hadn't known until his friends dropped by with the Italian. France had lured in the oblivious boy at the previous world meeting, and the other three captured him so they could get whate...