Chapter SIX

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(WARNING!!!!!! Major yaoi smut ahead! Don't like, don't read!!! If you do read and don't like it, you're the one who chose to read after being warned. Thank you!)(PS; more in the next chapter.)

~-America's POV-~

I yawned loudly, collapsing on my assigned bed, the speaker pressed against my ear. "Yeah, I just got here. It seems your brothers got here earlier, though. Their stuff is everywhere and they put a paper on the bed saying it's for me. I'm glad, it looks like they dumped pasta and tomato's on the other one." I muttered, rubbing my face. I was terribly tired and wanted to sleep, but it was bedtime for Fdliciano back at my home in Texas. I promised I'd call him every night and every morning, no matter how tired. "No, they're not here. Sorry. Germany and Japan are running late, I think. Russia said they missed their plane out and are taking the next one."

Feliciano sighed sadly. "Aw... Guess I-a can talk to-a them later. Anyway, you're-a so tired. Get some sleep. Call me when you-a wake up."

Sighing, I rolled onto my back and kicked off my shoes. "Alright. Bye. Love you..." I trailed, my eyes widening at what I said.

"C-cosa? Wha-what'd you-a say?" The Italian stammered, and I could hear him shaking.

I sat up. "Shoot!" I hissed under my breath. "Feli, I'm so sorry! That totally slipped out! I'm tired, and-"

The Italian cut me off. "Alfred... Ti amo."

Chills ran up my spine, straightening myself up. I felt my lips twitch slightly up wards and I lay back down. "I like that. I could get used to that. I love you, too. Talk to you later." I allowed him to say goodbye before I hung up. I dropped the phone, a goofy grin on my face. "He loves me." I mumbled, slipping off my glasses. I placed them on my nightstand, then rested my head on a pillow. Without bothering to cover myself in blankets, take off my bomber jacket, or even turning off the lights, I fell asleep.

~-Time skip- A week later~

Stretching, I stepped out of England's car. "Thanks. I didn't know boss had crap planned for when we came back."

A smirk made its way to the Brits face as he wrapped his arms around my neck. "No problem, love." I awkwardly pushed his arms off and watched him from before turning and rushing to my door. And he followed me. "Well?" He asked.

I tried slipping through the door so he'd just leave. But I had to tell him something. "I'm not so sure you'd want to come in. It's not dirty or anything, it's... Ho?!y crap, cleaner if possible. But..." I trailed, hanging on the open door. I heard the kittens and Hero meowing and trotting to the doorway. "I'm breaking up with you."

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