~-America's POV-At World Conference~
"Is Italy still at your house?" England asked.
Of course that's the first things he says. I sigh, running a gloved hand through my hair. "Yes, England." I grumbled. The Brit bit his lip as he realized that I was still angry at him.
He wrapped his arms around my neck and nuzzled his nose in the crook of my neck. "I'm terribly sorry, love. You trusted me all this time. I trusted you, I was just... Taking precautions, Alfred." He muttered. "You didn't seem to like the idea of Italy being in Texas with you."
"'Cause I don't!" I shouted. "I've lied to everyone close to him!" I then hissed under my breath, not wanting to risk the brothers hearing me, even though they now know Feliciano is in my country.
"I'm so sorry." Arthur cupped my face. He looked deeply worried. "Soon, though! I promise, I'll bring him home. Just don't tell anyone where he is, please, love!" He begged.
I sighed, allowing him to kiss me. "Fine. He has to be back in Italy before the next world conference.
England smiled, holding a hand behind his back. "Promise." I stared at where his arm cut off to behind his back puzzled. I didn't think anything of it, and nodded, muttering under my breath.
Slowly, almost reluctantly, I wrapped my arms around the smaller man. "Alright. I got to go. I'll call you when I get back to Texas." I told him, gently pushing him away.
"Okay. I won't be able to visit for another three weeks. My boss has meetings set up with a bunch of other countries." My British boyfriend whispered before giving me a goodbye kiss.
I watched him leave, and sighed, heavily relieved. I turned and headed back to the Italians. All three brothers said their goodbyes as well before Romano hung up. He wiped furiously at his eyes when he noticed my approach. "Uhm, grazie." The grouchy brother grumbled, handing me my cellphone. "For letting us talk to fratello. And, grazie for-a taking care of him." I nodded and smiled, tucking my phone in my pocket. "Also, while you had you're-a stupido back turned, I got your number."
I laughed at the last statement. "Anytime, dudes. Call anytime ya want. I promise I'll get him home as soon as I can." Both brothers nodded, thanked me again, and headed off. Before they got too far, I spoke up. "Wait! You can't tell anyone though! You're the only two who know. I don't want to start war or battle." Both Italians stared at me, then nodded. "Thank you."
~-Time skip-Back in America~
I couldn't help the grin on my face to see Feliciano in my doorway, grinning and waving as I pulled up in the driveway. "Ciao, America!" The Italian shouted when I stepped out of my car. "Welcome home!" He darted over, and tackled me in a hug. I couldn't help but laugh, and if I didn't have my brute strength, I would have toppled over. "Grazie, grazie, grazie! Thank you-a so much, America! Thank you for letting my talk to mio fratellos!"
Patting his shoulder, I chuckled. "You're welcome. And, just call me Alfred."
Italy peered up at me with bewilderment. Oh yes. I know big words. I'm not stupid. "You're human name? But I-a thought only really close personifications like-a best friends or lovers call each other by their human names? Like-a you and England." He tilted his head, his curl bouncing.
Shaking my head, I headed into my house. "Nah, anyone ya want can call ya your human name. Just the humans don't have a choice, because they don't know we're personifications."
The auburn haired Italian followed me, and closed the door behind him. "Back when I-a was younger, mio boss made sure all the higher up and important people in my-a country knew. But now, only our bosses and all the countries are allowed to-a know and-a call us by our country name. I-a also found it weird that mio bosses tell me that only my-a closest friends, Germany and Japan and Prussia and Spain and Hungary and Mr. Austria, and mi family are allowed to call me my human name." Italy kept babbling on and on, but I was venturing around the house with wide eyes and a slack jaw.

An AmeIta Fanfic:: I Want You To Smile For Me...
FanfictionItaly was kidnapped once again by the allies. America, however, hadn't known until his friends dropped by with the Italian. France had lured in the oblivious boy at the previous world meeting, and the other three captured him so they could get whate...