Chapter SEVEN

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(Smut!!!!! Begining, then skips to somewhere around the middle.)

~-America's POV-~

We both panted and were drenched with sweat, even though it was eight in the morning. My hands gripped Feli's sides under his shirt as I sat back on my couch. Feliciano whined and trembled, his hands pressed against my bare chest. I bit my lip, feeling Italy's walls tighten around my shaft.

"A-Alfred..." He moaned before releasing himself over my abdomen. I grunted and came inside of him. Feliciano fell on top of me, resting his head on my shoulder. I pulled out and fixed my pants. "Ti amo, Alfred."

I chuckled, resting my cheek on his head. "I love you, too, Feliciano. Let's finish getting dressed. Our flights in," I checked my watch, "an hour. It takes fourty-five minutes to get there." I told him.

Italy whined in complaint. "Do we have to? I-a like it here."

Laughing, I kissed his head. "Yes. I called your brothers saying we'd be landing sometime tonight around mid night. My boss got us a private jet so we'd get there faster. Come on, you haven't seen them in months. They're your brothers."

"Fine." Italy shuffled off my lap and gathered his boxers and pants. I watched as he wondered off to a bathroom before getting up and rushing to my room to clean up and tug on a shirt. I combed my hair, fixed my glasses, then shoved my feet in my shoes. I grabbed the two packed suitcases and dragged them down stairs. Feliciano handed me my Big Mac I had saved for the trip to the airport.

~-Time skip-~

Groaning, I dragged myself through the airport after the bouncing Italian. "I hate plane rides. They take forever and don't have good food. I can't wait for some pasta burgers." I muttered.

Feliciano giggled, wrapping his arms around my left arm. "Come on, Alfred! Mio fratellos are waiting! I-a see them! LOVINO! SEBASTIAN!" He squealed, waving and tugging me along with him. Once we were just a couple feet away, Feliciano released me and launched himself at his brothers. "I-a missed you-a so much!" He squeezed both his brothers in a large group hug.

I chuckled, picking up his suit case. "Come on. Let's get to the house. The Hero is starving and tired."

~-Fudge yes. Time skip-~

"Your place is huge!" I gasped, staring up at the mansion. "And ancient! How long have you lived here?"

Italy giggled, clinging to my arm. "Centuries!" He squeaked, then darted after his brothers through the fancy doors.

My jaw dropped. "Centuries.... Well, shit." I muttered, dragging the suitcases with me inside. Grunting, I got the cases up the steps and in the door. I turned around, getting ready to speak, but I ended up freezing up, eyes widening and heart stopping as the suitcases collapsed on the flooring.

Germany had an arm wrapped around Feliciano, keeping them tightly pressed together, and his other hand held the back of my Italian's neck, keeping their lips crushed together. I felt myself weaken, and I don't even register that Romano said something until he slapped my forehead.

I tore my gaze from the two and looked at the older Italian, trying to compose myself. "Burger-bastard! Leave mio fratello's suit case over-a there," he gestured towards what looked like the living area, "and Sebastian will-a show you to your-a room."

Nodding, I did as told, putting Feliciano's case by a couch, then followed the youngest Italian to what looked like one of the many guest rooms. However, I couldn't find myself to be amazed anymore, still stuck on the image of Feliciano kissing the German. Germany probably wouldn't be able to beat me in a fight, but this completely... I don't even know. I felt totally weak by just one small action. I closed the door behind me and sat on the bed.

An AmeIta Fanfic:: I Want You To Smile For Me...Where stories live. Discover now