Chapter 5

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*Tobys POV*

Damn it, why is he so cute. I hate that I have to lie to everyone, I just don't know how they would react and I... Ugh!

I walk through my front door.

"Toby, in here, now." My dad calls from the kitchen.

I walk in to see him and my mom sitting at the table.

"This can't be good. You two are in the same room and both of you are still breathing." I say.

"Ha ha, very funny." My mom says.

"What's up?" I ask, sliding into a chair.

"We're worried about you." Mom says.

"You're distracted all the time and your football game is off. The team is counting on you." Dad adds, surprisingly calm.

"Is it a girl, is that what this is about." Mom asks.

My eyes go wide. "What?"

"Is some girl the reason you're so distracted?"

What am I supposed to say! No, mom, it's a boy, I'm gay. I can't do that! My dad would beat the shit out of me!

I take a deep breath. "Yeah, yeah I guess it is."

My mom starts to get excited. "Ooh, what's her name!?" 

Think, think, think. Who's the one cheerleader not dating anyone?

"Crystal Hugo." I finally say.

"Son, that's great." My dad says, slapping his hand onto my shoulder. "Is she going to prom with you?"

"Dad, proms like, four months away. I might not like her by then."

"Yes you will." He says, more demanding than anything else.

"Yeah, okay, I'm gonna go to bed now. Night."  I get up from the table and go to my room.

*Vinces POV*

I was just laying in the dark, with a giant smile on my face. I mean, could you blame me? The guy I've liked since Freshman year likes me back!

My phone dings, and I see that it's a text from Toby.

It says, "Don't hate me but I told my parents that I like Crystal Hugo..."

My smile instantly fades. 

I text back, "It's fine, I understand that you're not ready to come out yet." But really I wanted to cry.

I support that he doesn't want anyone to know right now, but now he's saying he has a girlfriend! Ugh! Why!?

"I feel like shit now... I'm so sorry." He replies.

"I said it's fine. I'm just going to go to bed. I'll see you tomorrow."

But I didn't sleep. I also didn't cry. I just laid there, listening to the noises of the night. I just want to be able to have a normal relationship with someone I care about without being judged, is that so hard to ask for? Yes, yes it is, especially in the word we live in now.

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